The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

The hole in these boxers is so big that my dick AND both my fucking balls fit in there and they just pop out every time I sit. This is fucking useless.
god damn moochers and freeloaders

This is such a prime shot for some sort of "Mittface meme"
The hole in these boxers is so big that my dick AND both my fucking balls fit in there and they just pop out every time I sit. This is fucking useless.

Is it the flap in the front or is there an actual hole? I have pair with a huge hole at the bottom...I squatted and my junk just flopped out. It was pretty funny.
So, if someone offered you a free meal when you were hungry, you wouldnt take it?

my roommate won't take free food

he used to have a lot more money than he has now and he's now got this weird food complex, and he feels like a looser if he's eating food that he didn't pay for
my roommate won't take free food

he used to have a lot more money than he has now and he's now got this weird food complex, and he feels like a looser if he's eating food that he didn't pay for

That fool needs to step off the pedestal and eat some god damn free food. I used to have money too, and when I did, I fed people. Even now that I dont have money, whatever I have, I share because food is sacred to me. The act of sharing a meal with another human being is one of the most overlooked activities in American society, and its a damn shame.
This concept is completely foreign to me...Is it a trust issue? Like "Did someone fucked with the food?"...Or is it like a "I can buy my own food!" sorta thing...?

If we were friends and you were over at my house, and I made some bomb ass food and offered it to you, what would be the issue?
I'm not really sure what it is, but it's not about trust or egotism.

Those circumstances would be cool. I just won't ask for food and I feel weird if I'm out with a friend and he pays for my lunch. I would never take free food under the circumstances that monoxide child is describing.