The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

On acid. This is pretty cool.

Usually is. Hope you enjoyed it!

Currently about to hit the fiction blog. Listening to the new Dordeduh like everyone else (and the EP) and it's the perfect music for what I'm writing. A sad, depressive, yet hopeful tale of a broken man striving towards his full potential. Darkness and beauty take turns in this story. Just like in life.

and drinking a gallon of coffee. naturally.
On acid. This is pretty cool.

When I was tripping at mdf I thought I was stuck in some kind of purgatory between life and the endless void of death and everyone wasn't real. At one point I took my pants off and realized what was actually happening when I started to come down. The first thought in my mind was “well shit”.
Nothing like that happened to me. I just saw cool fractals, and had phases of taking in substantially more through my senses, and what I can best explain as quick, wordless thoughts without any axioms, like every given and circumstance on which I based my thoughts was removed and my thoughts just floated freely from there.
I woke up at 5:00 am and didn't manage to fall asleep again so I'm drinking coffee. Good morn' America.
When I was tripping at mdf I thought I was stuck in some kind of purgatory between life and the endless void of death and everyone wasn't real. At one point I took my pants off and realized what was actually happening when I started to come down. The first thought in my mind was “well shit”.

Are you sorry for party rockin'?
I like how his first reaction to being stuck in a purgatory between life and endless voids of death is taking his pants off.
When I was tripping at mdf I thought I was stuck in some kind of purgatory between life and the endless void of death and everyone wasn't real. At one point I took my pants off and realized what was actually happening when I started to come down. The first thought in my mind was “well shit”.

A story for your grandkids someday :kickass:.
I am definitely interested in trying acid, based on this thread. Not sure how to be safe about it, though, as I've heard a lot of horror stories.
With LSD in particular, I really take extra precaution to know the source of where its coming from. Luckily I have a lot of friends who are trippers who have weeded out a good clean source.

You have experience with other psychedelics, right? Start with a low dose, assuming you find someone you trust to supply you, and go from there. A lot of these horror stories are people who arent mentally equipped or ready to be ingesting psychedelics, and normally they take way too much and flip their shit. Understandable.

As a side note, Ive found with LSD, less = more...But it took me experimenting on my own to find that out for me. So find a source you can trust, start low, and experiment to find the right dosing to get you to your happy place. :)
I did mushrooms once a couple weeks back, had a good time with it. That's about it, aside from a lot of pot. Recommendations? I'm mostly interested in altered perception, especially where music is concerned. Not interested in anything habit-forming.