The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

It was on three sour patch kids. I think I took a little less than two and Matt took a little more than one. Baltimore was a pretty sketchy place to be running around tripping, then again I live in fucking Maine. If this cactus juice works then it will be my first time tripping since mdf. Nice time to be wandering in the woods with the colors and shit.
This song is by a normally shitty artist, but it has the best imaginable lyrics:


War Ho!
My ex mutant blonde bitch told me once that you shouldn't swap holes during sex. Why. Does anybody know how? Why shouldn't I just put it here and put it there.
I'm trying to absorb satan's madness by drinking another shitty beer. It's making me throw up but LUCIFER is there on the bottom of that bottle. Or maybe the other one. HEIL SATAN AND HEIL HITLER.
Lucky butt. I live in Southern California and it's gonna be in like the 80s. Fuck. I swear So Cali has 2 seasons: summer for like 8 months and coolish weather for 4 months :(.
Boiling cactus, shit is in a spiral on top

Lucky butt. I live in Southern California and it's gonna be in like the 80s. Fuck. I swear So Cali has 2 seasons: summer for like 8 months and coolish weather for 4 months :(.

I hear ya bro, but at the same time I fucking love our weather. Mainly because we dont have much humidity or mosquitoes. Cant stand either of those.
i'm online at public library cuz i don't have access to my roommate's laptop anymore

haven't been to the apple store since leaving my roommate and don't really plan on going back there
they always try to get me to buy stuff and now that i'm sleeping outside, ive become too lazy to look like a corperate-worker

i'm not drenching myself in cologne every morning
my black slacks got a rip in them and i didn't immediatly change pants,
i'm not even whereing the bleached-white-church-shirts anymore
i havent put on a tie since i left the hotel, and i've even been growing out a goatee

if i go in the apple store now, they'll prolly notice i'm broke and kick me out of the store

so i'm online at public library which is putting limits on how many hours per day i can be online
I hear ya bro, but at the same time I fucking love our weather. Mainly because we dont have much humidity or mosquitoes. Cant stand either of those.

True that :loco:. Have you ever been to Big Bear Lake? It's always fucking nice up there. Also, I wish it were like in the 40s with rain right now. That's metal :kickass: lol
Onder I need me some of those magnificent Satanic beers you're drinking. I'm all out!
All I've got is some fucking orange juice and milk, not gonna cut it!