The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Sounds a lot like what it takes to become an NFL referee. Years of your life calling high school football games, and if you're lucky, college.

But consider how that degree will look on a resume even if you don't take it to the ground floor right away. Might be worth having as insurance as you brave the waters of private enterprise, even if it means getting work at other garages. Will be easier than bailing now then having to start up again later. You never know what opportunities may come your way.
had to babysit the dog again last night as well
hopefully she'll be able to get the dog into The Bridge's kennel tonight

she's got the dog assigned to a specific kennel space, where no other dog can use that space, but they still won't let her bring the dog in, o_O so the dog had to sleep next to me last night and ate several pages out of the center of my book :cry:

realized that the fact that i don't know any of the last names of anyone named Lisa is not actually problematic because none of them know each other

one of the women named lisa noticed that my phone's memory card is full of porn, which she disaproves of, she thinks porn is wrong because she thinks jacking-off should be unneccassarry, she tinks that i should be actually having sex instead of looking at porn :lol:
I went to buy beer and noodles but my mom told me to buy more things so I bought:

1x beer
1x noodles
6pcs eggs
some bad ham
4x tomatoes
1x mars bar

And that's it. Budget.
Just got back from work. I never fully noticed this before, but holy fuck, body language talks. I tend to suck in social situations, and I initially thought it was because of some stupid vendetta "normal" people have against me. But I think it's actually that I just convey all kinds of negative.

I sit with my arms crossed, conveying vulnerability, my face tends to look like a mix of sad and serious, and my contributions to conversations are usually rants about how a certain thing is wrong or ridiculous.

It's so awesome to see the contrast with the customers. A few changes in how I position my body and face and how I speak and I cast a fucking spell of excitement on people.

Now I just have to use this outside of work.
Drinking some of my dad's girlfriends wine, she's going to flip. Luckily after I see my tutor today and going to plattsburgh with my mother to her boyfriends place for a few days. I know drinking her wine is off limits, but I am a recovering alcoholic/drug addict. I'm labelled as being chemically dependant. And I basically am non functional sober. All I feel is pain,anxiety,and by the time I am out of bed have already smoked a decent ammount of smokes and had 4 cups of coffee.
I'm standing at a bar having beer, thinking about molestation and torture. Chillin'.
Went to class, went to gym, took guitar to the shop. Got out of bed before noon. Sadly enough, that's a pretty good day for me.
Beat Black Ops 2. Game was surprisingly not terrible. After the credits there was a cutscene where 2 of the characters play a song with Avenged Sevenfold. The song was also surprisingly not terrible.
No idea, haven't tried the multiplayer. From what I've heard it emphasizes working as a team and actually doing the objective more now, because it's about scores rather than kills. Most of what I've read says it's pretty damn similar to previous games, but a bit of an improvement.

There's also a more fleshed-out zombies mode.
Just drank 4 beers. At my mother and her boyfriend's house for a few days. I forgot my headphones and trying not to let it bother me. So my mother let me borrow a pair of ear/headphones, hopefully they do not sound as shitty as I think they will. I had to see my tutor thursday, I wolk up feeling really shittty with headaches. I bought a bottle of vodka just hopeing to get a buzz, by the time I met my tutor at the libary was drunk and my cognitive skills were shot. I ended up telling her I was drunk and was having a hard time trying to learn. Oh well. I told her it will not happen again and trying not to let it bother me. I really want to get my education and get a better job, but I am in pain all the time.