The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

reading The Star Trek Encyclopedia and for some unknown reason i'm getting really pissed off about the fact that all the pictures are in black-&-white
Thinking about how the fuck I ever thought I could be satisfied as a self-centered douchebag. Caring about people is the greatest fucking thing that's ever happened to me.
I think this is the first time this month that I properly fell asleep at around midnight and slept for SOLID 8 hours. (Without any alcohol too). I feel like I can go to my lecture and not fucking die.
Do you remember the dream you were having? You sound you like you woke up at the right point in the sleep cycle.
It's higher than Indy that's for sure, but I don't think it's nearly as bad as a place like NYC or LA.

I just found a girl on OKC who listens to a lot of the same bands I like, and plays drums.

edit: I just found out the girl I just mentioned played drums for Woods of Ypres and also wrote and did interviews for True story.