The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Yeah I BET SHE IS. Hehehe.

I'm eating a bowl of tempeh and vegetables after a debaucherous 18 hours in Montreal. PP and I went out for dumplings, partied, went to Les Foufounes Electriques and got drunk and danced around a lot and some 19 year old tried to hook me up with his cousin while PP was peeing.
I was at the pub yesterday and I told some bitch that she was a whore and the two guys that remained told me how horrible I am. It was their friend or something. I can be a real prick! BUT. She once told me I was ugly so whatever. I can tell her she's a cunt all night long.
Yeah I got my ticket yesterday.

Last I heard he was planning on coming back to Maine. He's somewhere in Washington.
Feeling depressed, partly because I have a chemical imbalance in my brain which which causes depression and partly because the past day or two have been filled with little events and exchanges that have really killed any semblance of positive emotions that I might have had. Think I'll wallow in self pity for another hour or so, then eat a bunch of food and end the day by drinking.
Man, the guys on the Rogan board are fucking ruthless. Some guy posted a thread called "Ex-GF pics" and ganked some pictures of porn girls and strippers from the internet and was called out in no time. The guys figured out where the pictures came from and hunted him down via the interwebs and exposed his ass. It was the most tragic and hilarious fucking thing I've ever witnessed in my life.

Every couple months or so some crazy shit like that goes down and that's one of the main reasons I go over there still. hahahah omfg

If you guys make an account I'll link you to the thread. It's just...epic.

13 and Ashley Greene?!

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I so want to go to MDF but just graduated and now searching for a job is a pain in the ass. So no job = no MDF... maybe might go for a day though then come back. Job hunting is the worse in the city, though.

Just get to Baltimore and you can shack up with the Crusties on the street or crusty-packed in a room. Im sure theyll have outside stages again so you can techincally almost go for free, if you wanted.

the porn filters where i'm at won't let me see the link

i can go around them, but it's just like WTF-ing hell?? you know, the fucking porn filters blocking a site that's not actually porn o_O

went around porn filter just now
will wait till after Jan 15th and buy the 4-day pass for the Sonar Compound