The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Man has my fucking night sucked.

Like 5 minutes ago I went to replenish my water supply, so I had to go through my garage to get in the house and the side door is open, I get the door and a raccoon dashes between my legs and I trip on the water on the floor and just barely avoid falling to the ground by grabbing on to the door handle, (BTW this is all without shoes), then I go inside and another raccoon flies into me and I jump over it onto the couch/chair and it all happens to quick that I fall after landing and land flat on my fucking face on the dirty floor and a another one of the devils runs over my back and I freak out and get up then of course trip on the dog food the fuckers were eating and then hit my head on the fridge.

I am truly the most unlucky fucking person on this planet.
One time I was at California Adventure theme park at the Disneyland Resort, and I was waiting in line for spaghetti at a restaurant. This geeky-looking 30+-year-old employee wearing glasses behind the counter sees my Immortal shirt, and he asks me what my favorite album was by them. I thought he was fucking joking, so I asked him. Sure enough, he answered with Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism. We ended up talking about metal for about 20 minutes.

Like Black Orifice said, appearances can be deceiving :kickass:.

Wow the exact same thing happened to me at Islands of Adventure, he was in at least the mid 20's with geeky glasses and dorky clothes at the cash register, and he sees my Devourment shirt and says while I walk by "Hey that band on your shirt, I saw them 2 months ago (I'm actually not sure what he said other than it was 2 something) with Suicide Silence" and I asked him if they were his favorite band, and told him it sucked their singer died bla bla bla did you see the InfidelAmsterdam video and then my cousin asks me to help him with something and I had to go, I wish I could of asked him if he heard of this site but whatever.
Oh and I hope you get hit by a pink bus full of trannies and koalas.

The funniest thing just happened, my cat was sleeping between my legs and I ripped a 2 second wet as fuck gas cloud right into the fuckers face and the look on her face was fucking priceless, she fucking ran like almost instantly to the other side of the room.
One of my best friends in elementary school, who really wasn't much of a friend at all, was allowed to get away with almost anything and his mother completely spoiled him with an unending supply of 1st edition Pokemon cards and video games and those fancy mint Pepperidge Farm cookies, but one time he tried sitting and farting on one of their cats while it was huddled in a corner in fear, and it bit a giant gash into his hand. When he showed the bite to his mom while crying, she just said "I'm sure you deserved it".