The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

It rains frequently in upstate NY and people do the same. Hurrrrr. One of the reasons I'm so complacent with my job is that it's < 10 minutes away and bypasses all the busiest stretches of highway in the area. Low-no-stress commuting is the best!
I had a buttload of great sví&#269;ková and now I'm finally having a shitty beer. Then another one tbh. I want to spend this weekend doing shit for school but who knows.
So, I lost my job again a couple weeks ago.

Had an interview that went really well yesterday with a subsidiary of Boeing for an aviation technical support position, so I'm hoping to hear back from within a week.

Been playing a shit ton of Pokemon Y between phone interviews and such.
I think I'm lonely.

I've been really bad about having a life the last few days, I logged into here for pretty much the first time since joining and I've just been posting nonstop.

Probably a good idea to finish this smoke and play some Defense Grid, in which I've been slowly but surely working on getting all the gold medals. Yeah, think I'll do that.

My favorite little cousin's bday is tomorrow. The kid is one of few in modern society who actually has some technical/crafting capability, last time I saw him he showed me a ballistics pen he had made. I'm glad youtube is around and his parents let him use it :)
So, I lost my job again a couple weeks ago.

Had an interview that went really well yesterday with a subsidiary of Boeing for an aviation technical support position, so I'm hoping to hear back from within a week.

Been playing a shit ton of Pokemon Y between phone interviews and such.


Chin up, little buddy.
So, I lost my job again a couple weeks ago.

Had an interview that went really well yesterday with a subsidiary of Boeing for an aviation technical support position, so I'm hoping to hear back from within a week.

Been playing a shit ton of Pokemon Y between phone interviews and such.

How are you losing all these jobs?
Bitches be frontin.

Edit: to sum it all up in a concise statement, it's because contracts, as opposed to full time employment, are completely devoid of any semblance of job security. For the most part, contracts are what I have been able to find with my combination of experience and education.
Oh no Eligos that blows. No doubt you'd find something quick, but that still sucks. Those contracts seem like a pain in the ass :/

Getting several drunk texts from friends and coworkers which are totally making my day. One of my besties is moving to L.A. and she made me promise to visit her for the new year. I doubt it'd be that soon but maybe in the summer. Never been to the wild Wild West.
Doing some major cleaning now that my son is gone until tomorrow morning. I do the usual stuff during the week like vacuum, laundry, dishes, etc. but it's damn near impossible to properly clean with him running around like a maniac.
Procrastinating and avoiding writing my last paper of the semester. It is for multicultural perspectives in education class and I am ready for it to be over. I've had enough of the bashing of white men and American culture. Call me biased, but even after a semester of bullshit I still truly believe that anyone living in America can achieve their goals and improve their lives if they work hard.