The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I'm putting this here because it made I do a larf and I can't think of anywhere else to put it:

Melvins’ Buzz Osborne picks songs by “bands that were good, but blew it”

"The song I would pick off that record is “Whiplash.” You can listen to that and imagine that there hadn’t been anything like that at the time. Now, I would like to take the band on that back cover of the Kill ’Em All album—I would like to take those guys and put them in a time machine and run them forward and make them sit through Some Kind Of Monster and say, “Guys! Do not let this happen!” You know what I mean? How could they not be appalled? They go from a song called “Whiplash” to a psychiatrist in the studio for $10,000 a week. Metal up your ass, indeed."
Its not about how often I drink, usually twice a week which is pretty average for my age. Its about how much with me. Incapable of having a few beers, and ashamed of it.
That sucks. Maybe instead of drinking, smoke marijuana when you want to get a little buzzed? You can never really smoke too much, and it's healthier. I realize it may not be great if you're trying to watch calories or whatever, but you can always learn to ignore the munchies (and you're not getting the beer calories, so at least there's that to remember, if you do end up eating a lot).

IIRC, Michigan is a MMJ state? If you want to avoid any law problems, just get a card, they should be insanely easy to get (the only reason I don't have one is because it's little harder to get one at my age).

But really I'm more proud of the facebook thing, because dude... posted daily for like five years. I changed my password to nonsense then deleted the notepad file. Got you, addiction. I fuckin got you now.

One thing I've noticed that helps, is if you delete the extra friends you don't really care too much about, there won't be as much activity, so you won't feel the need to be on all the time. I used to browse Facebook a lot, and once I "cut down the fat", it was easier to stay off. I finally deleted everyone about a year ago, so now I'm never on, except to look up pages for bands or whatnot.
I already smoke and have no plans to quit haha. And deleting people doesn't help. Just straight cold turkey, then maybe in a few weeks or months I will allow myself to redo my password and log in once a week at a set time.
^ Right on! Especially with the fb thing. I always preferred drinking over smoking. Never really feel high, unless it's baked goods. But good for you anyways, it's great to have self control.

I mostly log onto Facebook while in the train, sitting at my office, or believe it or not to attempt to will myself out of bed in the morning (those good morning posts do something for me for some odd reason).

I forgot what thread this is…. but I have a gig after work tomorrow. Practiced for about 4 hours and my feet are killing me. This is why I stopped.
I already smoke and have no plans to quit haha. And deleting people doesn't help. Just straight cold turkey, then maybe in a few weeks or months I will allow myself to redo my password and log in once a week at a set time.

I know you do, but maybe you should smoke more (especially at times when you would usually drink)? That's what I meant.

Regarding facebook, even if you change your password, remember, it's still YOU who is using the willpower to stay off. You can always re-do the password at any time. When you go back on facebook, remember that you were able to go all that time without it, and that you can do it, you can restrict your facebook time. You can do it, as long as you use your willpower.
^ Right on! Especially with the fb thing. I always preferred drinking over smoking. Never really feel high, unless it's baked goods. But good for you anyways, it's great to have self control.

I mostly log onto Facebook while in the train, sitting at my office, or believe it or not to attempt to will myself out of bed in the morning (those good morning posts do something for me for some odd reason).

I forgot what thread this is…. but I have a gig after work tomorrow. Practiced for about 4 hours and my feet are killing me. This is why I stopped.

Haha yeah I know it man.

A gig? What do you play/do?
I know you do, but maybe you should smoke more (especially at times when you would usually drink)? That's what I meant.

Regarding facebook, even if you change your password, remember, it's still YOU who is using the willpower to stay off. You can always re-do the password at any time. When you go back on facebook, remember that you were able to go all that time without it, and that you can do it, you can restrict your facebook time. You can do it, as long as you use your willpower.

Man you are being like... super inspirational. You must have been a fb addict yourself at some point. How many years clean?
^ Right on! Especially with the fb thing. I always preferred drinking over smoking. Never really feel high, unless it's baked goods. But good for you anyways, it's great to have self control.

I mostly log onto Facebook while in the train, sitting at my office, or believe it or not to attempt to will myself out of bed in the morning (those good morning posts do something for me for some odd reason).

I forgot what thread this is…. but I have a gig after work tomorrow. Practiced for about 4 hours and my feet are killing me. This is why I stopped.

Maybe you just weren't smoking very good weed?

I'm a big proponent of weed because I think the high you get is generally just as fun as getting drunk (if you're smoking good weed), and it's much healthier than alcohol (physically and mentally). Plus, no hangover. Not saying you can't or shouldn't like alcohol more, I just personally like weed more. Using both at the same time is great, though!

What kind of gig is it?
Man you are being like... super inspirational. You must have been a fb addict yourself at some point. How many years clean?

I wasn't a fb addict, but my mom was and still is, so it's stuff I've tried to tell her in the past. I'm just in a great mood right now, and I've been pretty upbeat on the internet tonight. I was liking a bunch of stuff and saying a bunch of really nice things on twitter tonight...

Must be the 120 mgs of amphetamine I've abused tonight. lol :devil:

I'm usually in a much better mood when I've been high (and usually it takes a lot of substance for me to get a good high).... maybe I need to get a higher dose of my prozac, so I'm not a grump half the time? (Sorry, just thinking out loud).
Well shit dude if you're talkative... and speaking of gigs, and this goes for Funerary too.... I'm a very novice vocalist looking for critiques. I have a post in the musicians thread right now, wanna maybe take a listen maybe so I can get better?
Well shit dude if you're talkative...

Wait, what? :) It's funny because in real life, I'm usually pretty shy and quiet, as I have pretty bad social anxiety (that's been getting better, at least). It's the main reason that I'm only the internet annoying people all the time. :lol:

I think I checked out your vocal samples a while ago, and I gotta say, not a fan. No offense though, as I just simply don't enjoy female harsh vocals at all (it was a combination of guttural and deeper "normal" vocals, right?). I like regular female vocals though (like Anneke from The Gathering, etc.), so if you're good at that stuff, I'd probably like it.
Well if you're inclined at all, I put new links up, been practicing on minimizing vibrato. All clean covers of Jex Thoth. Definite improvement I'd say.

Critiques on my progress is half the reason I joined this site. Then I fell into the dark hole of cyber socializing and I can't get out. I'm not shy in real life, I'm just really talkative online or off and I'd rather annoy strangers than my friends haha.
Oh, even if I was more social, I'd still be on plenty of message boards. Most people I meet don't share my interests (Metal, Hockey (especially in California), sports/graphic design, and so on). I would miss out on a ton of great bands without here, the Metal Archives, etc.

I'll check 'em out.