The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

After years of training, set backs and hoops to jump over, Ive finally opened up my own yoga studio.

Im finally in a career, not just working at a job. I get to do what I love, and not dread going into work. Fuck yeah. Lets hope it takes off.

dude that's awesome. congratulations! :kickass:
Same. I bet you'll do well at getting people interested, and keeping them motivated. Hope it works out.
Congrats on the studio, Kafkax!

Waiting on one of my guys to finish their orientation to do paper work and finish travel routing them. Tempted to drink coffee I'm really tired.
Thanks yall. Its nerve racking as hell, but I am confident it will do well. I still have my bookkeeping gig. I dont plan on ditching that anytime soon, its good money, and I love working here, and its actually right next door to the studio. The tenant moved out a few months ago, and Ive been talking to the landlord ever since about opening a studio there. Its perfect size, (can hold 9 to 12 people), has a private patio, and great tucked away location. Him being (somewhat) of a yogi himself, took a great liking into the idea, and it works out perfectly for the both of us. After I finish work, I go and teach yoga next door. Fucking awesome.

And lol @ Ozzman...I would never fuck a student in my studio...Id have them stop coming to class, and go fuck them next door at my other office. :)
Badass man. Is the idea something that arose organically through discussion with fellow yogis, like did someone mention they wouldn't mind if you led your own yoga sessions?

I only have 2 more hours of my work week left, and this one's been a doozie. Crankin the Voivod and logging some tickets while the call volume is low. I've had 2 midterms this week, homework in my other classes, an amp repair on rush order, and a gig to play.

So hectic. I snuck in a nap in our first aid room during one of my breaks. I'm just gonna work on my basses, jam, drink, and fuck all weekend.
Well one of the most judgmental and bigoted people I know just got arrested for alleged sexual abuse of a minor. Former principal and baseball coach of a small Christian school.