The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Do you teach them about repairing lawnmowers?

Haha well I mean job skills and transferable skills, but I am no lawn mowing expert. Perhaps if I was in the Midwest that would be more useful as people would have their own yards :lol:

Man I'm sitting on the train from whiskey time wih friends and it was amazing but damn awkward because I saw my boyfriend's mom's ex-girlfriend. Fucking weird, I didn't like her too much tbh. And now a little kid is leaning on me fast asleep on the train. The guy has like 7 little kids, like a whole damn army. What goes on. Anyways hail whiskey.
Should I ask the girl out over facebook or is that immensely lame. You have to talk to me in metal lameness. Is it lamer than Ne Obliviscaris? Is it lamer than talking about your feelings on a forum? Or talking about your dreams?

I had a dream btw. There was all I hate. I was that elf faggot from Lord of the Rings, which I hate. The one with the bow. I had a white horse (I fucking hate horses) and a white cat. I hate both cats and the white color. Now I was stuffed in an elevator with both those white smelly animals and like half of the dream was me cuddling with the horse.

I need to delete my brain with some heavy drugs.


Fuckin beer and discin today. Fuck yeah. Time to kiss my turf. Thank you, temperature, for being over 30 degrees.
I don't know she said "yes sure" and that's it. Sounded almost too easy. Probably considers it a friendly talky talk. Not that I struggled of course. To achieve it. It was like, the next easiest thing next to fondling a white horse in my nightmares.

Anyways. Today I'm looking after my little sister. We were out in a park where she played around for a while. Didn't really talk to the other children and I think she was bored. But hell, she's 7 years old. Too old to trip and fall on the ground though, which is positive.

We played some game and now I'm having a beer. I will watch Community after she goes to bed.
Your average working class girl from Northern England is basically a retard. they look and act a lot like Vicki Pollard (although that character is modeled on someone from Bristol). You know how Czech girls are quite sweet and friendly? That is the exception here, far from the norm. If you glance at a girl and she smiles it's a given that she's from Eastern Europe. If you want a one night stand, you have to work out like fuck, act like a hip hop retard and swagger about in some awful shitty night club. It's a bit like that everywhere I know, but urgh, seriously it's shit here. Women have so much sexual power that it takes away any push on them towards having a personality or being an actual person who engages in critical thought processes and would be capable, for example, of having an independent interest or buying an item from a shop on their own, without dying of embarrassment. I hate these fucking bitches. I want to put them in parcels and RMA them.
So I guess it's safe to say that FD hasn't seen Sling Blade.

Haha yeah. Was wondering where that came from! :lol:

Yeah it's really nice out today. Totally taking advantage. My friend is celebrating her birthday and wants to go to a strip club. Never been to one in NY but for some reason I'm expecting to see a lot of hilarious/grossness since it's in Chinatown... Lol

Onder if she said yes I'd take that as a good sign.
New nieghbors moved in a few houses down from me and their dog is always fucking barking. Especially in the morning. Even on the weekends. Was woken up today at 8am. Not cool, especially on a fucking Saturday.

I left them a note yesterday, and I have started keeping a log of barking times because if this shit doesnt improve im calling Animal Control on their ass. So fucking annoying.
I left them a note yesterday, and I have started keeping a log of barking times because if this shit doesnt improve im calling Animal Control on their ass. So fucking annoying.

Haha, "keeping a log of barking times" sounds like something Karl Pilkington would say.