The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Badass man. Is the idea something that arose organically through discussion with fellow yogis, like did someone mention they wouldn't mind if you led your own yoga sessions?

Its been something Ive been dreaming about and working towards the past 10+ years, ever since I took my first Yoga class when I was 17. Its just now finally coming into fruition.

I was teaching yoga on a donation based system when I finished my first 200hr teacher training a few years ago, but people are stingy as fuck if they dont have to pay, they wont. And thats fine because I had no overhead, I was teaching out of my house just because I loved to give it back. If I got paid, cool, if I didnt, cool, I was just happy to teach.

But, now shit is official. I have a studio, a decent student base, and am finally getting paid to teach.

I'm just gonna work on my basses, jam, drink, and fuck all weekend.

Isnt that what you do every weekend? lol
Got wasted yesterday. Went to bed in the morning and then slept through the entire fucking day. Tomorrow and sunday I'm looking after my little sister.
I ate way too many enchiladas :erk:


Why the fuck does that dude look like he's smiling?!?!? Puking fucking sucks!
Man I desperately need a drink. Got another guy added to my caseload and he hates Americans. He's cursed out every coach so far. Went to see him today and thought I was going to get cursed out but he thinks I'm not American. Phew! He doesn't need to know I was born here.

Whiskey time.
My best friend's wife is finishing up her occupational therapy hours within the next month or so. Fucking 1200 hours. Ridiculous!

Definitely sounds like an interesting job.
Fucking A man! Yeah that's a lot of hours, this is a masters program she's in right?
I'm not an occupational therapist but my job has a lot of similar overlaps with that. Technically could go into OT but Id rather do theatre eventually than coach.
Fuck yeah it is. A lot of unpaid hours. Crazy shit, but apparently shes gonna be rollin in cash pretty soon. Youre right, I think it is a masters program shes in.

Right on, now the crazy job stories make sense.
Dang did I choose the wrong field! Well at least all the work and free hours will be paid off. She'll probably have some awesome stories to share as well.

Haha word. Without knowing it sounds like I work the street corner or something.
I wish I lived in an actual house, not a lame condo surrounded by old people, because with the temp reaching near 40 tonight it's perfect for a bonfire.

I'd have to enjoy it alone of course.... because everyone I know is a huge pussy who can't deal with snow on the ground.
Yo dawg, I herd you liek watching The Watchmen, so we put some of The Watchmen with your watchmen so your watchmen can watch The Watchmen while your watchmen watching the watchmen can watch The Watchmen