The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Had our first meeting and planning session in preparation for starting a community garden in Compton. Pretty excited for it, though it's gonna be a ton of work and time (which me and the other student teachers don't really have to give, but somehow we'll figure it out).
going tux fitting today for a wedding in August. I'm the best man and the husband and all the groomsmen are my best friends. Should be fun. After the fitting we're hitting up a local brewery (of course)
Guess it'd be too early to start preparing that best man speech, huh?

I personally never want to be married, but it's sweet seeing other people get married.

Eating some blackberries and blueberries, while listening to new music.
I'm an asshole. I just turn down wedding invites, even from family members. Sorry, but I'm not gonna waste money on tickets, a suit and all that other shit just to sit around and be bored for a day. I guess if a close friend lives in the same city as me and is getting married, then I'll go, but otherwise I'm good.
This surprises me Cammy. Not for any stereotypical reasons, but considering your relationship history, I'd imagine you headed down the life-partnership line at the very least.

Haha :lol: Well…

The marriage title has way too many stressful social pressures/implications attached to it and can be stifling for many making them more unwilling to work out differences. Just don't know many people whose parents are still together, you know. I like the freedom of working things out because i want a good relationship and not having to feel like you just have to because you're married.

To me it's kind of like being a student. There are some things you love to learn about and other things you don't care to learn about. But the student has a curriculum for all students to follow; therefore, picking what they learn. For some people, this type of learning isn't very helpful to them at all making things like drop out rates and such much higher than it should be because the people at the head of these institutions say these students aren't good students.

That choice is everything to me, i guess, and really believe people will always do better if they feel like they have a choice.

Life time partnership is definitely something i value and work towards, just don't think it equals marriage. Currently, my 'ship is rocky but I'm really hopeful that it'll sail smoothly again.
^Agreed, well put. Although 'marriage' is a nice synonym for 'long term relationship', I get called 'wife' sometimes. A marriage of the soul you could say haha.

Checked out some live yeast cultures on my microscope after Cosmos last night... realized 950x isn't that great. I saw semen great, couldn't see the yeast for shit really. Time for a new microscope.

It kinda got me thinking on the whole metaphorical aspect of the universe, and the cosmos of this planet versus the cosmos our planet belongs to. The cosmos of a single yeast sample. For instance my boyfriend is really into his telescope, I'm really into my microscope, and they're both quite similar... examination of systems within greater systems. It's a beautiful thing.
Just jerked off. I plan on sitting around in my boxers for another 30 minutes before I have to unleash this inevitable shit that is brewing and will probably crush a dozen more pages in Deadhouse Gates while I do so.