The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I just wasted an hour of my life listening to a bunch of board members arguing and getting short with each other and concluding nothing.

Board meetings are such garbage. There's always one or two people that disagree with everything to just prolong the time spent.
This day shouldn't be shitty. First I'm having a beer with my dad on the campus. He's playing tennis there with some colleagues. Then french class with this blonde girl. Half-drunk. Should be fun. The sky is blue etc who gives a shit. Also I'm feeling better. Slept fine.

Listened to the new Teitanblood yesterday. Daym.
I'm on the campus. Drinking third beer. Had two with my dad. he just left. French class at 14:00.
Might have bit off a little more than what I can chew but nonetheless I'm still grateful for work. Working a someone's senior thesis for their BFA and 3 auditions today after work one of them is for a Hispanic role. You really never know what people are thinking when they look at you :lol: but again I like to keep busy anyways.
Mathiäs;10814219 said:
Board meetings are such garbage. There's always one or two people that disagree with everything to just prolong the time spent.

It's really true. Unfortunately our token arguer is the President...
Drinking Coffee, anyways... I'd throw down with a black guy and bust his fuckin skull open.
Just got back from a run. I found an almost complete deer skull on the run that I decided to bring home. At one point, I stood by the side of the road stroking the skull and giving passing cars and evil smile.
I want to stab an old person.

I'd throw down with a black guy and bust his fuckin skull open.

So much anger in white americans these days.

I'm angry too. The reason is that my computer broke on friday and I had a lot of shit planned for the weekend. Mostly revision of school papers that I have to postpone now. They should just change the HD on monday and give it back to me. HOPEFULLY. Then I can continue my life as a normal person. I had to visit my dad and borrow his laptop just so I can bitch about it on here. Fuck. Fuck me.