The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Drinking coffee. A chick I know works at mc dicks. I'm not going to ask just yet, but I am hoping she'll bring me over mc dicks eventually. She lives 1 mile down the street. A quarter pounder with fries and a coke.
I'm feeling better. Slept well this afternoon after going to the uni just for one shitty paper. I waited for this woman teacher at her office and then some people came and said she wouldn't come that she's doing something at the stables and this old guy said he would take me there. Well okay whatever. Got to his car, country radio started playing and he drove us to the horse stables talking about horses and there were horses around us. And he was like, you know this white horse? And I said yeah, that's Sixteen. And he said "she's with the others already". And I said "yeah, cool".

Fuck horses. What's with you people listening to country and loving horses. We're in Prague, not fucking 1900 Texas.
I'm feeling better. Slept well this afternoon after going to the uni just for one shitty paper. I waited for this woman teacher at her office and then some people came and said she wouldn't come that she's doing something at the stables and this old guy said he would take me there. Well okay whatever. Got to his car, country radio started playing and he drove us to the horse stables talking about horses and there were horses around us. And he was like, you know this white horse? And I said yeah, that's Sixteen. And he said "she's with the others already". And I said "yeah, cool".

Fuck horses. What's with you people listening to country and loving horses. We're in Prague, not fucking 1900 Texas.

Yesterday I saw on Facebook that one woman had changed her profile picture to one of those shitty silhouettes with text over it, the text said "Horse girls are easy to love, just hard to afford."

Stupid bitch, I'm not paying for your fucking horse, unless I get to turn it into dinner. If I was your man I'd kick you AND your horse out.
Just drove home drunk like a fucking idiot. I knew it was a mistake as I was walking to my car. I suppose I can take a little solace in there jot being many houses between where I was and my home but still. I fucking knew I shouldn't but couldn't get myself not to do it.
Ate some mushrooms, have that anxious feeling of myself becoming weak.

You and your mushrooms, Kris :)

Now get off the computer and get out in nature fool!

Just drove home drunk like a fucking idiot. I knew it was a mistake as I was walking to my car. I suppose I can take a little solace in there jot being many houses between where I was and my home but still. I fucking knew I shouldn't but couldn't get myself not to do it.

Dude...Bad move...I got a DUI less than a mile from my house...
Man I'm done taking psychedelics, always ends up with me viewing humanity as nothing more then a giant decaying monstrosity of dicks and vaginas fucking each other without reason. Oh yeah and then there's this dumb light that goes right through the middle of it.

I guess that's why you shouldn't eat mushrooms out of boredom.
Yesterday I saw on Facebook that one woman had changed her profile picture to one of those shitty silhouettes with text over it, the text said "Horse girls are easy to love, just hard to afford."

Goddaym. It's shit like this.
Had a fever all day yesterday, so after work I fell asleep at 8 o clock and woke up at 10 am. 14 hours of glorious sleep. Have a slight headache but, the fever is gone. Woot!
Man I'm done taking psychedelics, always ends up with me viewing humanity as nothing more then a giant decaying monstrosity of dicks and vaginas fucking each other without reason. Oh yeah and then there's this dumb light that goes right through the middle of it.

I guess that's why you shouldn't eat mushrooms out of boredom.

Especially in winter indoors. Gets claustrophobic.

I just wasted an hour of my life listening to a bunch of board members arguing and getting short with each other and concluding nothing.