The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Fixed that for you?

Yeah, you're right (unless somebody already paid off the mortgage completely, or made a large profit on the sale, but those are both rare), but it's the same sentiment really. You usually need to sell the first house to have the ability to buy the second house, unless you're just renting the second house, but then you still wouldn't want to have to pay for both rent and a mortgage at the same time.
Like I said, that's still almost unheard of here. The prices of homes in California are outrageous, so nobody can really afford to pay for 2 houses at a time, even if it's only for a short while. It's probably easier for you, as the homes in Springfield, IL are probably closer to the National average price for a house, which is much less than it is here, I assume.

Are you renting or did you buy the 2nd house? Just curious.
Went to Cooper's Rock today for some hiking and picnicking fun type stuff with my lady and sister. We decided to be a bit dumb and climb the rocks in the "No Rock Climbing" area... Scrambled up some rocks in my blue jeans and converse and jumped a few fall and die type gaps... Had fun but I'm wore the fuck out and a little sore. Freaked myself the fuck out venturing back into a crack in two big fucking rocks in the mountainside. I went back in until the light of my phone was no longer illuminating anything, in front of, or behind me.... Total fucking cold blackness. Slammed my shoulder against the rock wall making my exit from the crack...

It's no MDF, but that was my adventure for the weekend.
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Like I said, that's still almost unheard of here. The prices of homes in California are outrageous, so nobody can really afford to pay for 2 houses at a time, even if it's only for a short while. It's probably easier for you, as the homes in Springfield, IL are probably closer to the National average price for a house, which is much less than it is here, I assume.

Are you renting or did you buy the 2nd house? Just curious.
This house rocks
I graduated tbh. I'm now Bc. Fucking Faggot.

EDIT: Went out with that one girl last night and told her I wasn't interested and shit and she cried a lot, told me how she loves me and how I was the best guy she's had in bed. So I feel like a total cock now.
I think I might go to the pub and drink beers and smoke cigs. Sounds like a good idea.
On the train travel routing a new hire messenger (they take mail within the company to different boroughs) and the guy is sleeping and bouncing on everyone. -.- keep waking him up and reminding him he cannot do this job if he's going to sleep on the trains or buses and miss his stop, but yep he doesn't listen. He tells me "okay miss Cammy" then goes right back to sleep :lol:
Arguing on MTGSalvation. This dude is seriously trying to claim that drinking with the intention of getting trashed, even if you only do it once a month, inherently constitutes a "drinking problem".

Goddamn idiot.
Sipping coffee, toking, and figuring out how I'm gonna do this English assignment. I have to pick a song that describes me and write a page about it. I am way too indecisive for this shit. Maybe I should find a song about that...
Sipping coffee, toking, and figuring out how I'm gonna do this English assignment. I have to pick a song that describes me and write a page about it. I am way too indecisive for this shit. Maybe I should find a song about that...

Are you still in high school? I could have sworn you're only like a year or two younger than me...
Got in a big argument over Christianity on a Sports logo forum. lol fuckers.

Tomorrow, I'm supposed to go to this therapy camp like thing, where I'll stay for like a week or two. It's in like Huntington Beach or something. It's going to suck going two weeks without any fun substances. :(