The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Yeah, I know I need to go past the patterns. Just don't quite know how. The patterns seem juvenile to me. I want next level hyperspace shit.

In any case, this time was even weaker. I mean it's what was left over, so it wasn't a proper amount, but still sizeable.

I saw subtle red and pink patterns and immediately said, "...this is it?" My reaction immediately is what brought me out of it because it seems stupid to me. Cool I'm seeing patterns and colors.

Fuck that, I want contact with the astral realm where my guides make contact with me. But something is out of whack in the equation bc everyone I've spoke to that has done it have way more intense experiences than I did. Maybe it's my own roadblocks, I just thought this shit is too strong for roadblocks. Thought it breaks em down for you.
I love strategy games, but I don't know anyone else who's into that stuff so I mostly just play Paradox stuff like Hearts of Iron and Crusader Kings.

I got into them years ago because I knew a couple of guys who had been playing them for years who were looking for more players, but now I'm in a place with a university based group and then a weekly Meetup at the local game shop. You should have a minimum of one game shop in your areas that sponsor gaming meetups.

There are also online and android/iOS versions of the most popular games, like Carcassonne, Kingdom Builder, Catan, etc.
There's a game shop near me but as I recall from when I played Magic they're dickbags.

Then again that was a while ago.
There's a game shop near me but as I recall from when I played Magic they're dickbags.

Then again that was a while ago.

Yeah the shop I frequent caters primarily to Magic and secondly to tabletop miniature wargaming (where the money is I guess), but I have no interest in MTG and no money/time for 40k etc, so....

The guys who do participate in the non miniature/deck building games are pretty cool here though.
Things that are terrifying for 500…

Just fought off a fucking possum that was in my basement. My dopy brother just ran off and left me with the thing. I swept it up while it was playing dead and released it in the yard.

Did some research as the thing kinda grazed my ankle (and i thought possibility of rabies) but fortunately they are marsupials and can't carry rabies.

gruesome thing:

Was working late tonight, went to go outside to smoke a cigarette and found Skittles (the office snake) just chillin 2 feet away from me.

Went and swooped that mofucka up and put him back in his cage!

I thought he was gone forever...So stoked. So fucking stoked.
Trying to buy the recent Black Pyramid album but it's not on Amazon or eBay and when I went to the distro it said they're temporarily closed down.

Guess I'm pirating that shit. Stormbringer too, bitches on the internet want way too much for that shit.
I always like to have a physical copy, but atm it's literally not possible. I'll check back in a week or two. It was $12 each for Adversarial and Stormbringer on the distro, which isn't terrible.

I hate paying money for things, but I love things. The eternal struggle.
I'm guessing you guys have heard about the gunman in Moncton, New-Brunswick, Canada

Anyways, So I'm still in my house under lockdown ordered by the RCMP, the shooter is still at large. This is fucking scary man.

I know this dude on the killing spree. I worked with his sister whom I had a huge crush on, I can't even begin to to imagine what that family is going through, and it looks like the RCMP is no longer running things, the Military is stepping in now.

Gonna be a massive search today.
^ Did he at least write a manifesto? So far he has + points for shooting police though. Rodger's target was "happy couples" which is kinda lame.
Apparently he posted some Megadeth lyrics. Not even good ones. Something from Kingdom Come.

Sounds like a real fucktard.
Listening to Vozrozhdenie by Arkona in the bath has got me back into metal. Back into Arkona at least. I still can't be arsed with a lot of shit.