The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

At this moment I am sitting at work. My boss's have decided that since they are under staffed they are going to put me back at the front desk a couple days a week. Which totally blows but at least I can be on here a bit more now.
I like the sound of that!

Getting ready to go pick up some penis straws for my buddy. (Bachelor Party weekend)

Driving up to Big Bear to celebrate his dick getting chopped off. 2 days of black metal vomit parties.
^Sounds like fucking fun!

Ah. Gotcha.

I prefer that shit over wax. I guess I like the stickiness of it compared to a crumbly powder. Seems less harsh too.

Isn't BHO the same thing as wax? There's so many different types of concentrate that it's hard to keep up with all the different types and nicknames and such. haha
They made the new Hobbit movie so over the top. Fucking Gandalf battling Sauron and shit. It's not at all in the spirit of the book. They're trying to make it too epic. Still fun to watch, but it's a terrible adaptation, and way too long.
So damn annoyed my whole night was ruined.

I was talking to this girl who was blasted drunk and she was wth a Finnish group (one of the guys happened to be Khai from Wintersun) but I knew the girl from a previous encounter awhile ago. Anyways, I placed my bag between us as we were talking. When her group left to go to another bar I got up since I was sitting at the edge and she took my bag by accident. My friends called my phone until she picked up and she had no idea what was happening. She was like "somehow your phone was in my purse we are at this bar meet us to get it" now I knew my bag was with them because my phone was there. My boyfriend was getting on my nerves because he kept asking me if I was sure and I absolutely was. I was freaking the fuck out because I have my guys Medicaid numbers/cards/ social security numbers and info in my fucking bag because we have to walk with that shit at work just in case they end up going to the hospital and don't have their info on them. (I know I should have changed bags but ugh whatever)

So I'm freaking out to my friends who helped me searched the bar (which I knew was in vein) and then gave me $20 to go to the bar they were at to get my shit. So I go to the bar and the girl completely forgets she has my phone and that we had that conversation on the phone of me coming to her to get my shit. She is also blacked out drunk as fuck and she is very happy to see me kept kissing me, hugging me and trying to take a picture with me. I explain to her after the 3rd picture (and trying to get away from her hug because I'm literally freaking out in my head) that I gotta get my stuff from her, so she checks in her purse and she had my phone in it. I asked her (politely of course) if she had my bag as well as my phone was in there and she kept saying "I'd never steal from you babe" and I kept telling her that I know this but i would appreciate if she looked because I work with guys with disabilities and I have heir paperwork there. She wasn't understanding me at all and kept trying to take a picture so I just kinda started crying because I had no idea what to do. Luckily, Khai from Wintersun wasn't drunk and asked her boyfriend to look in the car for my bag and voila there it was! With all my paperwork in it.

Long story short drunk people are a pain in the ass to deal with and that was fucking exhausting.
I can barely be bothered with most people nowadays. I just have a few people who I have conversations with, but I don't give a shit about meeting new people or anything. Fuck that. Maybe women, but urgh, I have high standards in terms of their personality and they are seldom satisfied, so that is just another pain. Most people just aren't fun, they're either rendered crap by their social class, one way or the other really, middle class people can be retarded in their own way as well, or they're just not fun.
Yeah he is a dude. He wasn't the person I was trying to get my shit from. He was just watching the whole shit happen and was the only one sober enough to understand what I was saying (or just taking me seriously in general as the girl who took it just wanted to party).

Edit: Oh I see where you got confused. I meant Khai asked the girl's boyfriend to look in their car for my bag.

Oh I don't have many friends much less Finnish ones :lol: just have weird encounters with people like this.
I can barely be bothered with most people nowadays. I just have a few people who I have conversations with, but I don't give a shit about meeting new people or anything. Fuck that. Maybe women, but urgh, I have high standards in terms of their personality and they are seldom satisfied, so that is just another pain. Most people just aren't fun, they're either rendered crap by their social class, one way or the other really, middle class people can be retarded in their own way as well, or they're just not fun.

There's a lot more to people, dude. And maybe you're not satisfied with women the same way you think they're never satisfied.
Well this guy doesn't try to be clever, he went on about hating cops and stupid redneck shit like that.

Well obviously this ended Friday.

I heard someones say that the year before one of his best friends was shot and killed by a cop. And the charges in that trial were dropped in that case towards the cop. So the hate towards the police had to of come from there, but still.

Man I can't even begin to imagine how his family feels. I worked with and dated his sister and they are some of the nicest people I've ever met. They are doing ok considering what's going on, I was able to talk to her for a bit two days ago, but they're still not able to go back to their home as the RCMP are still going through it.

And what pisses me off is I know that there will be a bunch of assholes who will be threatening, harassing and insult that family. When they had nothing to do with his actions. Makes me sick.

He was slapped with 3 First degree murder charges and 2 attempted murder charges. His trial starts July 3rd.
Recovering from a crazy night of death metal and heavy drinking in Revere Beach where I met up with WAIF and Kevin Young. I was pretty impressed by the bands that played. The first one had an old school Finnish DM vibe, and later on a slam band put on so good a show.
Slammed pretty hard last night. I haven't moshed in so long. There was also a pretty good death/thrash band last night, I asked the bassist what they were called but I've completely forgotten.
There's a lot more to people, dude. And maybe you're not satisfied with women the same way you think they're never satisfied.

I mean I'm not satisfied with them. I know they're not satisfied with me, because I refused to play the game.
Pounding back coffee after attempting an all-nighter so I can hope to get my sleep schedule back on track. Was up to about 8 playing Metroid Prime when I died during the fucking hard part and didn't want to re-do the hour of work over again.
Pounding back coffee after attempting an all-nighter so I can hope to get my sleep schedule back on track. Was up to about 8 playing Metroid Prime when I died during the fucking hard part and didn't want to re-do the hour of work over again.

Hell yeah dude, the original? Ridley is a true menace in that game. It's as though they took the character he was cast to be in Super Metroid and extrapolated on that concept ad nostrum.

The puzzles are all top notch, the bosses are challenging as all get out, the space pirates are a force to be reckoned with, the weapons and items are dope and fun to use. Love that game.