The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

BU is currently involved with the BBC on a project to upload all of Alistair Cooke's Letters from America broadcasts and transcripts online. So my summer gig is reading these bad boys and constructing "meta-data" and subject tags for the upload process. The material is interesting, but it does get a bit tedious after seven hours.
Wow. Third day of fucking tropical temperatures outside. Today I wanted to go to school so I took a tram and after three stops I left because I felt fucking sick. I turned around and went back home. It fucking takes me 1 hour to get there and I'd probably collapse somewhere and die on the ground.

Good news is that I phoned the study department and they can proceed without me and I'll just stop by tomorrow to pick up the papers. Another good news that the storm is coming today to make the weather more suitable for humanoids. In Germany it killed 6 people so it's hopefully going to be a big fucking cleaner of this hot bullshit fucking weather.

I can't live in this. I'll move to somewhere like Scandinavia after I finish studies.
Just finished season two of Orange Is The New Black. Really sappy show, and it's definitely catered to women, but it's not that bad. It's nothing I would recommend (I'd give it like a B-), but it's good enough that I'll continue to watch it. I've already spent 35 hours or so watching the first two seasons, might as well keep watching when season 3 comes out next year.
I'm loving listening to Awaken the Guardian in Flac with my new speakers, Creative T40 SIIs. It's not exactly the greatest set up of all time, but it beats the hell out of crappy bit-rate mp3s and my war torn old creative T10s. Also, it's funny how much better winamp makes things sound than WMP.
Wow. Third day of fucking tropical temperatures outside. Today I wanted to go to school so I took a tram and after three stops I left because I felt fucking sick. I turned around and went back home. It fucking takes me 1 hour to get there and I'd probably collapse somewhere and die on the ground.

Good news is that I phoned the study department and they can proceed without me and I'll just stop by tomorrow to pick up the papers. Another good news that the storm is coming today to make the weather more suitable for humanoids. In Germany it killed 6 people so it's hopefully going to be a big fucking cleaner of this hot bullshit fucking weather.

I can't live in this. I'll move to somewhere like Scandinavia after I finish studies.

When Britain falls in the third world war and the Afrikaaners take back South Africa, only Germany will remain in Europe.

That's what Siener van Rensburg said.
When Britain falls in the third world war and the Afrikaaners take back South Africa, only Germany will remain in Europe.

That's what Siener van Rensburg said.

Then I guess I choose Hamburg.

Also, there are clouds in the sky already. I'm awaiting the storm. I really suffered the last three days.
I missed the bus so I decided not to wait for next one but walk home. Bad idea. Didn't know it takes 35 minutes, and it's 33°C in the shade. Oh and i had black t-shirt. Cold shower probably saved me from cooking myself.
Had poop #2 yesterday. Had a very vivid IS THIS REAL dream that I'd been dosed with heroin or oxy or some opiate, but had a nice normal BM this morning.

Rainy here.

anyone know what, if any, breed that catbeast is?
I just remember that one has Jagr, the other has Zdeno Chara. :p

There's probably some other Slovakian people on this site, but I haven't seen any on this particular subforum.
Just finished season two of Orange Is The New Black. Really sappy show, and it's definitely catered to women, but it's not that bad. It's nothing I would recommend (I'd give it like a B-), but it's good enough that I'll continue to watch it. I've already spent 35 hours or so watching the first two seasons, might as well keep watching when season 3 comes out next year.

My friend is in that. I love that show I'm watching the second season now.

So I think the rapper Slick Rick lives in my neighborhood. When someone walks around with an eyepatch that makes you look at them more and I got a good look at him today. I've seen him getting Chinese food a few times.
I'm supposed to be finishing up an app I have to present tomorrow to a client but instead I am just messing around, wasting time; which means I'll have to work overnight to compensate. Fun!