The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Terrible day. Hangover and it's like 1000 degrees outside. And I'm so horny when I have this type of hangover so I masturbated like 10 times already.
I think the thrash thing was probably Venomizer. That was overall a pretty good time. Just true metal people drinking heavily and slamming around.

Let me rephrase. I have tons of friends. Not many I consider close though. I'm sure most people relate to that.

It's one of THOSE mornings. Forgot my umbrella and it's raining like crazy so I'm soaked. Then I went on to miss my bus and my train too. Yep.

Had a great weekend though. I went to see Eyehategod and made some pretty dumb choices. One being that I got the address to the place wrong and some dude in a car made the same mistake as I did and when I got the correct address I told him and he said I could ride with him, which I did. Then when I got in the car I realized this is a dumb choice on my part (his friend was playing but he didn't know the name of any of the bands or the venue he was going... Lol), but I was already in the car so no turning back now. He was super sweet though and it was all good, so that ended up being one of the better choices of the night surprisingly. Anyways, had a great time.
Terrible day. Hangover and it's like 1000 degrees outside. And I'm so horny when I have this type of hangover so I masturbated like 10 times already.

How many hours are we talking regarding this masturbation period? I'm wondering what your recovery rate is like. My first ejaculation is always significantly stronger than subsequent ones, but usually I can still manage a minor spurt out of the second one. Third and beyond, though, it just pours down the side, no eruption. In fact, a few weekends ago I had masturbated a few times in a night, and even the following morning when I masturbated in my bed in what should have had a respectable climax, it just trickled out in a weak spirally pattern like some kind of gay phallic Sharper Image fountain.

Repeated orgasms have increasingly diminished euphoria as well, I find.
Hell yeah dude, the original? Ridley is a true menace in that game. It's as though they took the character he was cast to be in Super Metroid and extrapolated on that concept ad nostrum.

The puzzles are all top notch, the bosses are challenging as all get out, the space pirates are a force to be reckoned with, the weapons and items are dope and fun to use. Love that game.

Yep. I'm about to fuck over the Omega Pirate. That fucker aint easy either. The first 2 big bosses aren't that tough though. Metroid Prime 2 was even more difficult. I remember trying to beat the final boss in that thing like a million times.
How many hours are we talking regarding this masturbation period? I'm wondering what your recovery rate is like. My first ejaculation is always significantly stronger than subsequent ones, but usually I can still manage a minor spurt out of the second one. Third and beyond, though, it just pours down the side, no eruption. In fact, a few weekends ago I had masturbated a few times in a night, and even the following morning when I masturbated in my bed in what should have had a respectable climax, it just trickled out in a weak spirally pattern like some kind of gay phallic Sharper Image fountain.

Repeated orgasms have increasingly diminished euphoria as well, I find.

I'm not going to go too far into this discussion, not making tables or schemes and such. Let's just say that (1) when I'm sober I jack off once a day and I'm fine. Then (2) when I get drunker and drunker I increasingly lose interest in sex. That can however also result in longer duration in bed. Not long ago I had 9 beers with this chick and then fucked her for quite a while. She once mentioned I was the best guy she's had in bed (which can also have various reasons, but yeah). And then (3) when I get this stupid hangover I can jack off pretty much non-stop and I stay horny as fuck until I feel fine or until my dick falls off all red in pain. I know these hangovers aren't uncommon because my friend sometimes pays for ugly prostitutes the day after we drink and he wouldn't do that otherwise.

It's silly because whenever I'm outside with people I drink and am hardly interested in sex and then the next day at home I feel like fucking everything.

Well that's the jack-off story for you BurgerBoy.