The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I think it's because school makes people jaded about learning since it goes by a model of teaching for the slowest learners without any regard for developing a child's ability and desire to gather information.
A lot of schools are filled with terrible teachers who don really even teach... Ive taken classes where I still dont understand because I never learned anything; so going felt like a chore.
At the college level, those are often TA's who aren't as invested in the success of their students, and are there simply to be sustained while they study the things they actually give a shit about.

Oh wait, that's me.
Being all philosophical about how I really like the idea of camping, but not actually camping... I'll just lay here on the couch with the window open listening to folk metal. I'm communing with nature, right?
I have been feeling really shitty and jaded about my job and in the lasts few weeks came pretty close to just quitting. I'm still not very happy but i was extremely happy and proud to see three of my guys graduate HS today. One of them in particular whom my company said might not pass discovery because her iq was too low and to not worry about her (fuck em!) graduated as salutatorian. And her speech was so beautiful as she talked about not being able to read write or do math two years ago and now there she was writing her own speeches (which she did a great job in no stuttering and was completely comfortable with the audience) and graduated as a certified teacher's aid.

A true account of the saying: fuck bitches get money.

Pretty inspired. And now I'm off to see Goat.
Packing up my car to drive up to Washington to frolic in the forest for the Summer Solstice listening to a bunch of neofolk on private land.

Time to loose my shit. Cant wait to camp next to the river, wake up, grab a cold beer from the river and start each day. FUCK. YES.
I imagine they keep some beers in the river to refrigerate them. Up in Montreal in the winter we keep beers outside in the snow sometimes.
I miss metal paddy and his rants about cold ones, big "fuck off cigars" and getting into rows at the metal disco.
Don't take shit from naysayers. I routinely deal with students whom the college expects not to pass

Absolutely man and can't imagine dealing with that on a routine basis naysaying is intoxicating. Yeah getting the taste of grownup life :lol: how'd I get so old? Repeat!

Beers in the snow? Beers in rivers? Fucking genius ways to use mother nature!