The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Be happy that form of UM hipsterdom isn't more widespread, and we aren't calling each other Excallyboo and Montu Sekhmet.

<--- original username club since '06.

edit: Jesus Christ. 8 years.
When I joined up everyone was using real first names. That was confusing as fuck for a while.

Also, everyone was referring to death_delirium as The Greys, which took me a while to catch on to.

We're probably overdue for a new first names thread so that we can be super cool and exclusive again.
And Dave. And Tom Brady. Not to mention when The Greys was constantly posting lengthy rants about his super-trashy depressing life.
Off work at 10, 40 min commute home. Back at work at 6 tomorrow, meaning I gotta be up in like 5 hours. I LOVE when they fuck my schedule around last minute.