The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Meh, fuck that. I rather joke between races as long as it's not getting way too far. Best thing with having friends from different cultures and races.
So Friday my grandpa, who as some may remember is more of a father and best friend to me, went to the hospital because he was urinating blood. Turns out he has early urethral cancer. They removed the tumor, and they are 99% sure they got it all since it hadn't spread to any tissue. Hoping he gets the all clear at his appointment in a couple weeks. That shit is scary. He's invincible in my mind, and he looked a little afraid for the first time. I did some research and if it went as well as we were told the survival rate is about 90%, which really eased our minds.

Then, I talked to my sister for the first time in 3 years. She said she was able to see my son a couple years ago. I asked if he was being raised alright and she told me he was 4 and still in diapers, barely talking, and that piece of shit mom of his just let's him do as he wants. I'm so mad I can't describe it. There's nothing I can do to see him yet, seeing as she still has a restraining order on me. Because shes a drunken drugged up psychopath. Then when people saw her hitting me she got all embarrassed or whatever and got a fucking restraining order, took my child and all of my belongings then lost our house, quit her job, and apparently doesn't raise the boy. I'm hurt.
Moar like Satan's services. Wish I was joking :erk:

@dt: Awesome your gp probably was saved. My main influencing gp was an awesome guy, and was taken from us suddenly due to an aneurysm. He was healthy as fuck otherwise, but he was a hemophiliac, so when that vessel burst in his head it was game over before they could even get him to the hospital.
That is fucked up. I'd say file a complaint with social services, but then I'd be worried about where he would end up.
That's exactly my fear. I don't know what can be done right now. That's what makes it so hard. I was a good fucking dad. He was speaking whole sentences at 18 months and I spent every second I had with him. I think she hated me for that, sadly.
That's super fucked up. Hope you can get your boy back, DT
It'll take some time. I kind of gave up on life when he was taken, so that stifled progress quite a bit. But I've been on track for a long while now. It just sucks that he doesn't even know who I am. But if it takes another 5 years then I'll work at for another 5 years.
Moar like Satan's services. Wish I was joking :erk:

@dt: Awesome your gp probably was saved. My main influencing gp was an awesome guy, and was taken from us suddenly due to an aneurysm. He was healthy as fuck otherwise, but he was a hemophiliac, so when that vessel burst in his head it was game over before they could even get him to the hospital.
Man, that's depressing as fuck. I'm sorry to heat that. My gp is 75 but you can't really tell yet. He could still beat my ass if we fought. Not that I would, but he really is that strong and able still. It's crazy. That's why I was so caught off guard.
DT: That's such an awful situation. Idk surely you must have some rights to see your own child, no? I'd really say maybe make a complaint to social services tbh especially if she is still using and is neglectful.

My phone rang, and I picked up my remote control and spent a good 15 seconds looking for the answer button. Then I realized it was the tv remote control… oops, i suppose should resign from my responsibilities as an adult now or just go to bed.
I'm glad to be alone now and just listening to some music. I'm tired of drinking in the 24/7 bar and shitting myself afterwards and I'm also tired of fucking shit up like missing my exam terms because I'm a drunk etc. Everybody leave me alone for a bit and then I'm all good again.
So Friday my grandpa, who as some may remember is more of a father and best friend to me, went to the hospital because he was urinating blood. Turns out he has early urethral cancer. They removed the tumor, and they are 99% sure they got it all since it hadn't spread to any tissue. Hoping he gets the all clear at his appointment in a couple weeks. That shit is scary. He's invincible in my mind, and he looked a little afraid for the first time. I did some research and if it went as well as we were told the survival rate is about 90%, which really eased our minds.

Then, I talked to my sister for the first time in 3 years. She said she was able to see my son a couple years ago. I asked if he was being raised alright and she told me he was 4 and still in diapers, barely talking, and that piece of shit mom of his just let's him do as he wants. I'm so mad I can't describe it. There's nothing I can do to see him yet, seeing as she still has a restraining order on me. Because shes a drunken drugged up psychopath. Then when people saw her hitting me she got all embarrassed or whatever and got a fucking restraining order, took my child and all of my belongings then lost our house, quit her job, and apparently doesn't raise the boy. I'm hurt.

When it rains it pours, brah.

Good news about your Grandfather. Both my parents had cancer so I feel the pain there. My Dad, who is my best friend and immortal in my eyes as well, had severe stage 4 colon cancer and after several operations and years of intense chemotherapy, he and my mom both are in remission. Its a scary as fuck road, but it truly wakes you up to the mortality of our loved ones who we think will live forever. And if there is a bright side it is that, to cherish every fucking minute you have with them because theyre not gonna be around forever...

To sum up, FUCK CANCER.
Well said Kaf! :kickass:

Your dad looks like one of those healthy OG's that would pound a few beers and then go chop wood.

So Friday my grandpa, who as some may remember is more of a father and best friend to me, went to the hospital because he was urinating blood. Turns out he has early urethral cancer. They removed the tumor, and they are 99% sure they got it all since it hadn't spread to any tissue. Hoping he gets the all clear at his appointment in a couple weeks. That shit is scary. He's invincible in my mind, and he looked a little afraid for the first time. I did some research and if it went as well as we were told the survival rate is about 90%, which really eased our minds.

Then, I talked to my sister for the first time in 3 years. She said she was able to see my son a couple years ago. I asked if he was being raised alright and she told me he was 4 and still in diapers, barely talking, and that piece of shit mom of his just let's him do as he wants. I'm so mad I can't describe it. There's nothing I can do to see him yet, seeing as she still has a restraining order on me. Because shes a drunken drugged up psychopath. Then when people saw her hitting me she got all embarrassed or whatever and got a fucking restraining order, took my child and all of my belongings then lost our house, quit her job, and apparently doesn't raise the boy. I'm hurt.

:( Hopefully everything works out. Glad to hear your gramps' surgery went well.
Sorry to hear the bad news, waif. Thats a slippery slope, sexism at its most brutal. You'd need a lot of proof she's not a fit mother and a restraining order kinda fucks your ability to do so. The day will come.

Glad to hear the good news though, rooting for your gramps.