The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Schmidt, how did that happen?

Had one of the worst weekends. It was really cold and windy so I told my friend they could stay an extra day but I have to be at work at 6:45 the next morning for a double shift. Not only that I just wanted to shower, do my hair, marathon house of cards and have some me time before going back to work. Tell me why he didn't leave till really late and after dropping him off the train station I got back at minutes to midnight. I had to rush all my damn chores got to bed at like 2:30am only having to wake up an hour and a half later to get ready for work. If saying hey I have to work at 6:45 the next morning isn't enough to be like hey you can stay over but you can't stay until late... I mean if I even end up staying at a friends house I usually leave the next morning because I'm aware people have shit to do. /end rant
Fuck that shit.^

School is cancelled today. A nice half inch+ layer of ice on everything, and temps are barely expected to clear freezing today. Not complaining.
I posted in the musicians thread but that place gets like no traffic. Anyways got a Gretsche resonator, I've been learning Orange Goblin's slidy intro of 'Beginner's Guide to Suicide' and doing pretty damn good, loving it pretty damn hard. Any recs for more slidetastic rock and metal? I know blues mainly got that shit on lock.
I posted in the musicians thread but that place gets like no traffic. Anyways got a Gretsche resonator, I've been learning Orange Goblin's slidy intro of 'Beginner's Guide to Suicide' and doing pretty damn good, loving it pretty damn hard. Any recs for more slidetastic rock and metal? I know blues mainly got that shit on lock.

Blut Aus Nord's MoRT is probably the slidiest metal album ever. But most people have shitty ears and don't appreciate it.
A lot of people, even those that are big fans of the band, don't seem to like that album.

If you want to try them out you're better off going with Ultima Thule and the Memoria Vetusta trilogy for more straight forward, melodic black metal, or with The Work Which Transforms God, Odinist ant Sect(s) if you're interested in the more experimental side.

I still really enjoy MoRT though.
Just went on a budget slashing binge. Switched from DirecTv to a local provider, got rid of my credit monitoring service now that my bank offers it complementarily, switched my wifes service from Straighttalk to Republic Wireless, and got the NYTimes to drop my rate to a penny a month again when I called to cancel. Monthly savings of about $100-120 without lifestyle changes.
I'm tempted to completely go without cable/satellite when I get out on my own. Only things I'd miss are the regional cable sports stations since I can't reliably catch Wings games on network tv, but I guess thats what Gamecenter is for.
my girlfriend and I haven't had cable/satellite in the two years we've lived in our apartment. Between netflix/hulu/amazon prime and streaming, we see everything we're interested in.
my girlfriend and I haven't had cable/satellite in the two years we've lived in our apartment. Between netflix/hulu/amazon prime and streaming, we see everything we're interested in.

Same here in terms of personally not really needing it. Only thing I use TV for is football in the fall and Suits/Mad Men, but Mad Men is nearly over and Suits can be streamed elsewhere. Otherwise it's for the kids cartoons and the cooking shows my wife likes. The first 12 months on DTV were a deal, but with the price hike after it's cheaper to pay the disconnect fee and switch. The switch pays for itself in 4 months.