The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Writing a paper at a campus coffee shop that also happens to sell glasses of wine. Just as I'm writing the word "segregate" (in a completely non-racial context) a black woman walks into the room.

Goddammit brain.
To be fair, Thomas is totally Uncle Tom. Funny, too, he was given the position by a southerner who later admitted the fact that Thomas was an inferior choice to the other options available. Partisanship directed the decision. Bring in a black guy to shut up the liberals, but make sure he sticks to his cabin. Thomas is a joke. His assents and dissents, if he bothers to write one, are always only like a paragraph long.
I think it's interesting that there isn't a single white protestant on the Supreme Court now.

My opinion on race is this, basically, even if all races are absolutely the same, the combination of cultural difference and modern western liberalism means that is unlikely that we will all become the same. We could maybe fantasize about that in the Soviet Union or an Islamic Empire, but both of those failed to do it entirely, especially the latter.
Mom has a new man so she cooks on the weekends so I had a fine lunch and I'm having some beers before heading to work.
Going to go to a good chocolate shop to get something for mom.
Then it's bike riding time. Trails are pure pudding. So I gotta ride street, even though my bike has trail tires on it.
I need a new bike for trails.
Would love to turn my Trek Cobia into a more streetish bike. Put some Maxxis Crossmarks on it. And get a rigid fork.
Or hell. Get a new wheelset and have one for trails and one for street. All the while having the trail bike of course. ;)
To be fair, Thomas is totally Uncle Tom. Funny, too, he was given the position by a southerner who later admitted the fact that Thomas was an inferior choice to the other options available. Partisanship directed the decision. Bring in a black guy to shut up the liberals, but make sure he sticks to his cabin. Thomas is a joke. His assents and dissents, if he bothers to write one, are always only like a paragraph long.

Pretty racist post.
Gonna go get drunk while the shitty bands are playing then make an idiot of myself while Brimstone Coven is playing. :kickass:
Drinking a Bloody Mary and enjoying my first day off in a while. Just ate epic breakfast. Pondering my next move.
Mathiäs;11004071 said:
It's true though. Thomas is a clown.

Democrats find all Republicans clowns, but only Thomas gets singled out for it in this way, primarily because your fucking collective heads explode that there's a black person that is an obedient little Republican instead of an obedient little Democrat. Probably adds additional fuel that he is an actual slave descendent who messes with progressive narratives about the black condition in the US.
The vast majority of blacks in America are descended from slaves. One Supreme Court Justice doesn't fuck with a narrative. And furthermore, cultural hegemony suggests that socio-economic success can be at least partially blinding to those who achieve it.
The vast majority of blacks in America are descended from slaves. One Supreme Court Justice doesn't fuck with a narrative. And furthermore, cultural hegemony suggests that socio-economic success can be at least partially blinding to those who achieve it.

Narratives are explanations, not raw data. One SCJ doesn't fuck with the raw data. It doesn't take much to fuck with the narrative, given the shape of the narrative.

"Cultural hegemony" may have less to do with "partial blindness" of risers and more about having rejected, in the beginning, the subculture of the lower SES where they rose from. Not incidentally, Thomas read Thomas Sowell early on, who advocates as a black speaking to blacks to do exactly that.

I can't even imagine the amount of whitesplaining Sowell, Thomas, Carson, Williams, etc. have to put up with.
Not much, was sitting outside last night and saw an animal the size of a skunk or a cat, but was not sure what it was because never seen one. I don't recall it having hair. It ran off pretty quick. It kinda looked like a big rat. I think it was a possum. Anyways it was pretty cool.


I took this pick off google. I'm still not really positive if it was a possum, but I think so.
That's definitely a possum. I had one crawl into my basement…. maybe a year ago now and it played dead (looks like that's what it is doing in the picture) and I had to sweep that shit up and throw it into the yard where i jumped up and ran away. Those things are scary looking, but are mostly harmless because they can't get rabies.

Working on my application for Hunter College's Special Education program! NYCT Fellows placed me there, and I'm not complaining. It's not that far from me and it's a good school so woohoo.