The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

it's orite some people wot finkin der betta dan wot uva people like but it int rite an if people wot did it rown ere we'd fukin nok em out innit cos we iz ard an dat. so fuk em. we might be thik an inbred but wot yuh gunna du a bout it, we've been dis way for generashunz innit, fo life, fuckin toffie noised pigz. fuckin bellend bum boyz wanna get fucked in. fukin fuck
I strongly disagree with the cars. I mean, yes, F1 is boring as hell, but lower series like ETCC, MOTO GP, Superbikes, GTs are still fun to watch, or even Renault Clio Cup.

Anyone here a snooker fan?

F1 is kind of objectively shit most of the time to be honest. it has its moments though.

i like snooker when it gets tense and close, i struggle to sit through frame after frame though. that 31st frame last night was ridiculously great.
I'm nowhere near being a nascar fan, but i enjoy watching it sometimes.

Which type of drivers are considered to be the best in the world?

That depends on what you consider the best.

F1 drivers must be in top shape physically, mentally, they must be good with technology since they set up a lot of thing on steering wheel.

Le Mans drivers gotta be very experienced, consistent, able to drive in bad weather, during night with little to no sleep and they need to cope with pressure since they share the car and noone wants to fuck it up.

Then there is Dakar, which I believe is as much about driving as about strong will, sense of direction, teamwork, mechanical and technical skills (in case of technical troubles).

Isle of Man - it can't be explained, you have to see it, basically you must be batshit crazy to start this race.

Rally - driving in quite high speeds on various surfaces without knowing the track in rain, during night with people close to very narrow roads.

So as you can see, it's hard to say really. It's like somebody asked me what's the best metal genre.
You make out like the gloves have 'pussified' boxing or something, when they've actually made it more dangerous.

Obviously a sport where competitors spend half the time hugging on the floor is more manly.

Ground game in UFC is bullshit to watch. I agree, but once in awile there are good fights. I do not know what is going on in the sport now. I catch fights on once in awile.
I dont mind fighting on the ground as long as they're working on finishing the fight.

@Marty: Nice! I'll be checking those out. I just looked up some of the cross rally races BO mentioned and they were nuts! You guys wouldn't say Nascar drivers are up there?
I think they involve different skills. NASCAR drivers need to have an intuitive feeling for their car and how it is on the track so that they can communicate how the team can get the absolute most out of the car. They also need to handle the car in traffic and utilize drift etc. Any time someone talks about NASCAR as 'easy' or 'just turning left' they are instantly an ignorant moron in my eyes.

Rallying is more about quick twitch reactions, and possibly more bravery. Barreling along country lanes at high speeds takes a certain special kind of individual. Where I grew up was right in the middle of a rallying hotspot in Wales and I had a primary school friend who died in an accident when training. There are risks in all motorsport, but I think rallying (along with the Isle of Man TT) is probably as risky as it gets.
i'm sure each motorsport requires a mastery of slightly different skills that aren't easily compared with one another. successful F1 drivers, for example, are probably more technical and microscopically flawless than drivers from most other motorsports, but does that make them better drivers overall? no idea how to answer that question.
I barely watch NASCAR, so my opinion may not be very accurate, but...

I believe the most accurate way to describe NASCAR is to say it's "stripped down racing". The cars, tracks, organization (pit stops and such), it's all quite basic, and the main attraction is the overtaking, man to man battles like they used to be in the past.

The concept is to entertain loads of people and it does that very well. But it's just too old school, not moving forward very much. All the cars are very alike. There is quite a little challenge in taming the car, finding the ideal driving line/lines, little gamble with strategy (technical wise, e.g. tires selection, car setup).

All this means it's hard to compare NASCAR drivers with anyone else because it's so old school. I'd compare NASCAR to cross of lower touring car series and endurance racing, maybe a little less challenging technically.
I barely watch NASCAR, so my opinion may not be very accurate, but...

I believe the most accurate way to describe NASCAR is to say it's "stripped down racing". The cars, tracks, organization (pit stops and such), it's all quite basic, and the main attraction is the overtaking, man to man battles like they used to be in the past.

The concept is to entertain loads of people and it does that very well. But it's just too old school, not moving forward very much. All the cars are very alike. There is quite a little challenge in taming the car, finding the ideal driving line/lines, little gamble with strategy (technical wise, e.g. tires selection, car setup).

All this means it's hard to compare NASCAR drivers with anyone else because it's so old school. I'd compare NASCAR to cross of lower touring car series and endurance racing, maybe a little less challenging technically.

Dude you're Slovakian. It would surprise me if anyone from around here would be into Nascar. It's one of those sports that are very geographically clearly defined. Like cricket for example. It's a british thing and most people here don't even know what it is. Sometimes I see shit about it on my BBC news feed and I'm like, what the fuck is this about.
Soooooo stoked. I'm sipping on good ol' Jameson because I got test scores back from some exams that I surprisingly did really well on all of them. One I almost got a perfect freaking score. Passed three tests so far. Took one today, which I think i did well on too. Being a hermit has been working and helping me focus on important things. I just need to get some coursework done, order my immunization, and study harder for the math exam.

I haven't gotten the score yet for the math exam, but I literally came out of that a fucking wreck. Got myself a really expensive but good tutor. He's on vacation though, so in he meantime, I'm working with this dude from Bangladesh who I find to be kind of rude but whatever. As soon as my main tutor comes back, I'm dropping him. I honestly like my math tutors to be super consistent and orderly, and i don't think the Bengali tutor is right for me. My issue is understanding word problems and what they are asking. It's not about doing the problem, it's about understanding what I'm doing, and that's something i don't get from the Bengali tutor. Anyways, I'm happy and buzzed and typing a lot. :lol:

But super excited, and now can't wait for MDF because at least i won't be leaving on vacation with a ton of work left to do.