The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Aww come on, come kill some hookers! We will go on some coke runs, stealing coke off of frat boys yachts.

In that case, heavy metal vomit party game on! :kickass:

Surprisingly, this time I was not the one vomiting. The hostess actually said I was relatively well-behaved, aside from taking my shirt off and dancing with some women.

It was fun. Except I really wish I knew how I got home.
I found a way to watch HD netflix and HD HBO. I didn't realize that I had an extra HDMI cable, so I just plugged my laptop into the TV. Perfect solution. Now I just need a wireless mouse and keyboard and I can watch HD porn from the comfort of my recliner.

What a time to be alive.
I'm having the exact opposite kind of year, :lol:

Got cheated on (sorta... long story, don't want to get into the nitty-gritty on a public forum), broke up for a while, decided to try again, parents eventually kicked me out over a fight we had (I had moved back in last year when a previous gf and I broke up; we had been living together for 8 months), was going to move in with then-current gf but she eventually broke up with me after I moved all my stuff over there for reasons essentially regarding our general incompatibility, was homeless for a month and slept at friends' places, moved in to a strange housing situation (a friend's childhood house w/ her mother because it's cheap and was readily available), moving again soon because the house is going on the market. Luckily, I'm moving in with Dan (yes, MDF Dan, Cody :p)

Seriously, this year can essentially just suck a dick.
Yeah, luckily I had places to go because I still had friends despite being freshly single and in a bad way with my close family.

And yeah Cody, it should be cool. He lives right up the street from where I am now and has a whole house to himself since he's single now too haha.
If only I too lived up the street...Super fucking jealous man. You guys are good people.

If its any balm on the wound, my year last year was one of the worst of my life.

No mud, no lotus.