We grow basil and tomatoes. The tomatoes come up every season for the most part. It's awesome! I definitely would be into growing things I just don't have the patience for it and my yard has a ton of unknown looking insects
Alrighty here are the current plants!
The first one I bought yesterday, can't remember what it's called I have it written down at home. Eventually the vines will grow and more flowers will bud
The second one I have no clue what it is, my boss bought it last week and all the leaves withered off so I'm going to take it home and try to revive it.
I still need to find a good outdoor shelf for them to go on but it'll be a cute start!
Moved into my new place the Masturbation Mausoleum Vol. 3: Jerk-off Junction a few days back. I now live about 30 feet from like 4 bars. I haven't been sober in like 48 hours.
Now I'm blasting Trouble. First True as a fuck Doom band in the new place right here.