The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I fell asleep on my dinner last night. I woke up with spaghetti and Chinese broccoli on my face and hair. Team narcoleptic.


Reminds me once I went without sleep for three days, was working in a warehouse. Went to the bathroom and woke up several hours later slumped between the toilet and the wall.
I'm hating RNG while playing Shining Force II and trying to get the best Mithril weapons. I've tried to get Gisarme for Slade like 40 times now.
Bought a "new" car today. Tired of driving Junkers. 2013 Toyota Camry, 38k miles on it. Looks sharp annnnd I actually have an a/c and CD player :lol:
nfl players are a lot better, it's night and day. you're looking at career players vs part time players. not to mention, nfl teams have a lot more depth than cfb teams, so injuries don't impact as much.

i like the uneven talent levels in cfb, it makes upsets really exciting. that type of excitement just isnt possible in the regular season of the nfl. when do you see ppl get this hyped up over a regular season win in the nfl?

both systems are great, i wouldnt change anything in either system.

want to watch the best play - watch the nfl
if youre looking for the most drama - watch cfb
i like them both a lot, but i watch more cfb than the nfl
I really try to like cfb and just can get into it. I'll casually watch Mizzou and U of I sometimes and generally watch the big bowls but I don't know shit about any of it
Mathiäs;11056955 said:
I really try to like cfb and just can get into it. I'll casually watch Mizzou and U of I sometimes and generally watch the big bowls but I don't know shit about any of it

watching two random teams can be boring if you don't know their background. cfb is all about the drama between the fans and teams. going online and talking during gameday is what makes it so much fun. check out cfb reddit if you ever get the hankering to watch again. nfl reddit has nothing on the craziness of cfb reddit

Uh, you can take plays off when you have no intent of going pro, like most cfb players.

i just dont see that tho even during blowouts were you see 1st players vs 2nd stringers. have i seen teams quit in cfb, yeah, but it rarely happens in the regular season. i've definitely seen a lot of overpaid nfl players take games off in the nfl, especially when there's no chance for the playoffs.

i will give the nfl credit and say that i don't see it as often as i used too. the nfl capping the rookie salaries was a very smart move for the league.
It may not be "taking plays off", it might just be that much of a dropoff in talent. CFB teams field a stupid amount of players, especially at bigger schools. There can be a huge dropoff from 1st to 2nd to 3rd string. And that doesn't take into consideration the dropoff in talent from school to school, division to division. Then you have all the read option and run and shoot shit. All told, college football is mostly stupidly boring.
It may not be "taking plays off", it might just be that much of a dropoff in talent. CFB teams field a stupid amount of players, especially at bigger schools. There can be a huge dropoff from 1st to 2nd to 3rd string. And that doesn't take into consideration the dropoff in talent from school to school, division to division. Then you have all the read option and run and shoot shit. All told, college football is mostly stupidly boring.

stupidly boring, but it keeps getting more popular and popular ever year. cfb is on pace to beat out mlb for the 2nd most popular sport spot very soon. :Spin:

to each his own. enjoy your random nfl games+stupidly boring fantasy football and i'll enjoy the cfb drama all by myself. good day