The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Not much, I am pretty sure I have a warrant and was advised not to pay it directly at this point. I almost had to do 2 years originally. Sometimes it freaks me out.
It may not be "taking plays off", it might just be that much of a dropoff in talent. CFB teams field a stupid amount of players, especially at bigger schools. There can be a huge dropoff from 1st to 2nd to 3rd string. And that doesn't take into consideration the dropoff in talent from school to school, division to division. Then you have all the read option and run and shoot shit. All told, college football is mostly stupidly boring.

Generally don't give a fuck about cfb but MSU / Oregon was way more interesting than any of the games so far in the first two weeks of the NFL season
Feeling like a very clever smoker on the go. Should have done this shit years ago.

Thinking about how Greys used to be one of my least favorite posters when I first migrated to GMD, but eventually grew to be one of my favorites.

His rant about "I will fuck Lebanon up, asshole" and sevag getting really angry, was hilarious.
Hell yeah on the new car Krow!

Going to attempt getting some basic shit done and not only work today. My grad professor is completely blowing minds though. She assigned a 75 page article along with three other stuff to be submitted today. It's an alternative program so she know we are all working full time and are new to teaching. So lesson plans take awhile. Literally zero time during the week to read material that's not related to my content.
Working in my friend's store today. He runs a thrift shop type of thing, and I just am praying that no one comes in here. I don't want to talk to anyone and I especially don't wanna have to use this piece of crap cash register
It's an alternative program so she know we are all working full time and are new to teaching. So lesson plans take awhile. Literally zero time during the week to read material that's not related to my content.

It's been my experience that teachers generally don't give a shit about work or school loads outside of their classes.