The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Not much, going to cancel with my rehab appt, she probably won't think to much about it.
Top pic was recent. And that woman don't bow to no man, least of all my dad, as they've been divorced over 20 years. Feels less scummy knowing she could probably beat the shit out of most of you. Detroit factory worker with guns.

*Boners intensify*
Shame on me.
^ ouch

My leg is still fucked, so I cant do much of anything.
We're about to take the kids to the park so they can run off some brattyness.
Blues are on at 7.
Going to try and listen to as much metal as I can.
Right now im listening to some Morbid Angel.
I rated her a 0 on a ten scale, but I would still let her give me a BJ, then I would be like get the fuck out!.
Just made my first payment on the loan I took out for grad school.

I am not too happy about it at all. I have spent the last two years earning the degree and then this summer, my employer, the school district, decided to implement a pay freeze. I was expecting my pay to increase about 20 percent but it hasn't happened, and now I get to repay the loan I took out to help me increase my salary. :mad: And the motherfuckers don't understand why they can't fill over 1,000 teaching positions.
My bottom molar has started to ache as a result of using dipping tobacco. I've tried quitting in the past and haven't been able to. I actually picked up dip because I had to quit smoking because of asthma, but couldn't get off of nicotine. I've been putting it off because I didn't want to assume this role in society, but I have to quit dipping in one way or another, so now I'm a vaper :(
My bottom molar has started to ache as a result of using dipping tobacco. I've tried quitting in the past and haven't been able to. I actually picked up dip because I had to quit smoking because of asthma, but couldn't get off of nicotine. I've been putting it off because I didn't want to assume this role in society, but I have to quit dipping in one way or another, so now I'm a vaper :(

My dad has been a dipper for at least my whole life. He would quit for a few months here and there if my mom or somebody else goaded him to, but he would always go back. I'm shocked he still has all of his teeth. His bottom gums are pretty much gone, but he goes to the dentist regularly and otherwise takes care of himself. It's just the nastiest fucking habit and (from what I've heard) absolutely difficult to quit. Good luck with vaping man. I hope it works out for you
God, I fucking used to hate it when my friends and co-workers would dip. It was just disgusting to watch. Thankfully most of them kicked that dumbass high-school habit quickly.
On every baseball team I've played on at least a quarter of the team were heavy dippers. So gross. Once I accidentally took a swig out of someone's dip bottle, looked exactly like my coke bottle. ick
Trying to get my girlfriend to quit the cancer sticks. I dipped once many years ago and the high was intense but I haven't done it since. Tobacco is just not my thing.
I don't dislike or like smoking so I don't do it. Not getting fucked up by a flight of stairs is great.

I've never known anyone that's used anything tobacco related asides cigarettes. Dipping and chewing both seem disgusting.