The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

i used to smoke and liked it. wish i still could but my weakass lungs can't handle it. lame
My dad has been a dipper for at least my whole life. He would quit for a few months here and there if my mom or somebody else goaded him to, but he would always go back. I'm shocked he still has all of his teeth. His bottom gums are pretty much gone, but he goes to the dentist regularly and otherwise takes care of himself. It's just the nastiest fucking habit and (from what I've heard) absolutely difficult to quit. Good luck with vaping man. I hope it works out for you

Thanks. It's going well so far, but I think I need to increase the nicotine dosage. Yeah, the stuff is super addictive. I quit a few months at a time for the same reasons, but always fell back into it. The amount of nicotine ingested when using it is very high. Even after using it for years, it would still occasionally knock me on my ass the first dip of the day.
Im happy as fuck that I have managed to not have a cigarette this whole year. Cigarettes are stupid.

Back to the grind after a epic weekend in Oakland for CA Deathfest.

So many good sets!
One of the best things about the days getting shorter is that I don't end up waking with the sunrise at stupid o'clock.
My bottom molar has started to ache as a result of using dipping tobacco. I've tried quitting in the past and haven't been able to. I actually picked up dip because I had to quit smoking because of asthma, but couldn't get off of nicotine. I've been putting it off because I didn't want to assume this role in society, but I have to quit dipping in one way or another, so now I'm a vaper :(

what about patches/gum?
I rarely go on Facebook, but I got a message from some chick awile back and did not know. I have my own place now. I'm going to txt her anyways.

It's Kenzie
Call me if you need refuge money help n love
Love you
I'm in wilmington and have extra bedrooms in a beautiful house
You are always welcome w me

call me if you are in need
-her number-
love Kenzie
So instead of the quarter raise I was expecting I ended up with a fifty cent "raise" due to them upping my positions minimum pay. Hmm. Not bad.
She wants the D, DD

We have not chilled yet and don't live in the same town. I'm not big on Facebook and do not like going on it, but I check it to see if someone friends me or crossed paths with. She's never on either. I did give her my number etc.. and kinda specified maybe something to do or how. I do have her number. I should probably be the one to call her or do something, but I think she'll either txt my phone or call me. Women are weird sometimes. I'm just sittin back right now.
Work is so nuts right now. We've been switching broker dealers since the old place shut down and there's a lot of new rules they never told us about. Rules they on fact claimed didnt exist, outright. Rules screwing our clients, and my boss, over. Like limits of $200,000 per client in certain annuities we previously had much more invested with. Means all new paperwork, new signatures, new allocations of funds. Ugh.

Shysters. All this shit, and that October 15th tax deadline, and the new tax season is right around the corner. Its good to be busy but goddamn, I long for the days of scrubbing toilets and getting stoned at the disc course on a weekday.