The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

What's up boners? The new forum looks pretty sweet, I have not been here for a minute. Currently watching the Wonder Years and playing guitar. Had a metal night with Schmidt last night drinking beer and rocking at a Spirit Caravan show.
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So I spent my weekend at work. Maybe you remember that I work at a reception of an apartment building full of shitty Russians. It's the type of impudent shitty people that start talking to me in Russian and when I say I don't speak Russian they continue speaking in Russian. My receptionist coworker is this girl with very large breasts. Her mammaries are so large that everybody stares at them and that has caused some long term disturbances in her personality. I call it a multidisciplinary overflow of tit-size awareness. In her words "I know that I'm a dream come true for many men, so I don't understand why I'm still single". 90 percent of what she says (and she talks a lot) at least touches the subject of her tits. It's not a coincidence and it's not really her fault to tell the truth. It's just that everything that happens to her is driven by the mass upfront. Her back hurts because they're too heavy, her insurance should cover for a titanium spine for her. Swimming won't help here. It's just melons.
Today I was in this area in Prague full of Asian people. It's also called Little Hanoi, as everything in there is in Vietnamese or Chinese or something. It contains everything from nail studios, insurance companies, plane ticket sellers, and food markets to casinos and bars and restaurants. All is asian. And they usually drive Mercs and Bentleys so they know what they're doing. The word is that a handful of them basically rule all those operating in the city. I bought some cherimoyas and canned jackfruit and dried jackfruit, also durian crackers. You can't get shit like this elsewhere tbh. But I do feel weird going there. It feels like invading their space in our space.
Drinking coffee and waiting for NFL. Not sure who's playing, the game will be a surprise.

It's the final count downnnnnnnn(the final countdown).

oh yyeeaahhhh!
Nothing, I have to go to bed because I have rehab tomorrow late morning. If I go to sleep at 2 in the morning I will still wake up around 5,6 in the morning anyways.

"Now if we're talking body
You got a perfect one
So put it on me
Swear it won't take you long
If you love me right
We fuck for life
On and on and on!.
Watched some bullshit about Isis on history last night and goddamn. I've always had moderate sand fever but them terrorists that fucked with Paris are fuckin fine.

As a red blooded patriot of the USA, I kinda just wanna lock them in a shed and tell them how bad they are, before... You know. I rape and kill them.
As a red blooded patriot of the USA, I kinda just wanna lock them in a shed and tell them how bad they are, before... You know. I rape and kill them.

Regained consciousness in the early hours of the day, exuded a tired drip of cum purely out of habit, absorbed some pig flesh straight away, took a shower, and now I'm drinking the darkest kind of tea. Many have mistaken my tea for coffee. There's toil ahead. I carry my fucking wagon of shit. I'm falling.
I spent 30 hours on campus/in the lab from Tuesday morning to Wednesday afternoon, went home, straight to bed, and woke up close to 1AM today. Now I'm just listening to glorious 80s trad metal as I await the year's most glorious feast, which is going to take much longer than I'm usually used to.
There's a girl in my class that I consider ethereal. At first I thought it was just her acting. I frequently don't understand what she's saying and I oftentimes catch her staring into nothingness for a long time and she doesn't even hear me when I'm trying to 'wake her up' from that. She's a vegan, she mostly eats cucumbers and bananas, I suspect she has no blood at all because she's all white and sometimes she just faints and people are used to catching her in those situations. I showed her picture to my girlfriend yesterday and she said the girl "would disappear soon", which is a common phrase here describing someone skinny, weak, and pale. But I actually wouldn't be surprised if she disappeared suddenly. One of my favorite people ever, but I'm not sure if she exists in the same sense as other people do.
There's a girl in my class that I consider ethereal. At first I thought it was just her acting. I frequently don't understand what she's saying and I oftentimes catch her staring into nothingness for a long time and she doesn't even hear me when I'm trying to 'wake her up' from that. She's a vegan, she mostly eats cucumbers and bananas, I suspect she has no blood at all because she's all white and sometimes she just faints and people are used to catching her in those situations. I showed her picture to my girlfriend yesterday and she said the girl "would disappear soon", which is a common phrase here describing someone skinny, weak, and pale. But I actually wouldn't be surprised if she disappeared suddenly. One of my favorite people ever, but I'm not sure if she exists in the same sense as other people do.
She will probably vanish into some otherworldly plane of consciousness.
I'm fucking stuck at work listening to Bach. One more hour then I'm heading home.