The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Because there's a reason she's an ex.

I don't see the point here. Does leaving someone mean that you never want to see the person again? So basically a girlfriend to people is garbage that lends you a pus and then you hate her for wasting your time afterwards because you realize she was a dumb bitch? What the fuck. My ex is a cool person because I wouldn't waste my time with garbage and she didn't mysteriously turn into garbage when we ended the relationship.
I don't see the point here. Does leaving someone mean that you never want to see the person again? So basically a girlfriend to people is garbage that lends you a pus and then you hate her for wasting your time afterwards because you realize she was a dumb bitch? What the fuck. My ex is a cool person because I wouldn't waste my time with garbage and she didn't mysteriously turn into garbage when we ended the relationship.

thats basically how i view padt relationships :lol:
I'm sick for the first time in years. I could have sworn I'd have an immunity to every cold by now with how often I rape my immune system via filth and indifference.
I'm good friends with one of my exes. The rest, not so much. The rest range from us not speaking to each other, to them openly hating my guts (probably a valid response).
Once time passes I've found that exes can be valuable friends due to how well they know you, etc.

Good point.

I was just confused because the way he described meeting with her, I thought he was being sarcastic and that she's some lunatic or something.

My son's mother is a bit ridiculous and meeting with her can be a major pain in the ass, so I sorta projected my experiences onto his sentence.
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Oh yeah. I could see how personal experience would cloud the general overtone of that sentence for you.

Sucks about your son's mother being the way she is. One would think that, having a son with you, she would want to make meeting with you as simple and stress-free as possible.
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"Now won't you listen, all you pretty boys
In magazines you look like plastic toys
Superstars of rock, you just pretend
A blasphemy that never seems to end

Ugly bastard, you think you look good
But there are things you never understood
With lipstick and mascara in your hand
Bet you're not even sure you're a man

Now listen

Hairdryer soldiers marching out to war
Can't you see yourself, you're such a bore
Why don't you all just lie down and die?
The world's a mess and you're the reason why"
Whisky and deadlifts and then beers and trains and then whisky and mgla/mysdhyrming.

First time using the site on my phone. Definitely an improvement on this even if i preferred the old style on my pc.
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Thought I'd get up and have bacon and eggs for breakfast for a change cause I'm usually sleeping at this time. Anyway my ship crew mates were having their usual work pre-start meeting in the mess room and this new captain who is probably 50 but still tries to talk in that fake faggot accent that surfers use and who's most likely a kiddy fiddler came up and asked me about my Destroyer 666 tshirt trying to smile but looking concerned saying stuff like 'that's a classic' in his gay fake accent. I said 'yeah that's Destroyer 666 they're an awesome Aussie black/thrash band ' and he walked off so I followed him back to my cabin and told him some more about the band...he didn't seem to like it much:lol:
My life:
Had a great day: celebrate.... With wine
Shit day: cry.... Wine
A day:
Thirsty: takes a sip of water and spits it out. Hey this isn't wine... Gets some wine.

Well, it's not that bad. I exaggerate. But I've been eating nothing but turkey bacon eggs and cheese on a roll and pizza for the past two weeks. My life expectancy is probably not that high.