The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

We need to finish trades by today for like 50 clients, so they'll settle by the end of the year, and since we just switched brokerages a lot of them don't have sigs on file to ACH the proceeds for their RMD's. Even sending checks is a problem because they don't have sigs for their distribution amounts either. We need them all today. And they're probably all busy with Christmas stuff.

What am I doing? Looking long and hard at my windshield and wondering how hard I have to bash my head through it to elicit permanent brain damage.
We need to finish trades by today for like 50 clients, so they'll settle by the end of the year, and since we just switched brokerages a lot of them don't have sigs on file to ACH the proceeds for their RMD's. Even sending checks is a problem because they don't have sigs for their distribution amounts either. We need them all today. And they're probably all busy with Christmas stuff.

What am I doing? Looking long and hard at my windshield and wondering how hard I have to bash my head through it to elicit permanent brain damage.

For people who don't speak the language:

ACH = a debit from your checking/savings account
RMD = Required minimum distribution

Once someone reaches a certain age, some investments require distributions to be taken annually.

That is what a securities license and a degree in Finance get you :lol:
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Christmas here in Sweden and got the day off. Overslept an hour which gave my girlfriend the fuel to be a general bitch. Fuck it, I'll have a few beers and just roll with it. Have a great Christmas guys.

Also, congratulations Krig!
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Sitting at my parents' dining room table, jubilant that my two young children are finally asleep after their borderline psychotic behaviour in anticipation of Christmas day tomorrow which is largely traceable to my championing of the event. Yes, it's the (brief) Christmas return to my parents' place and scene of my youth!

Mrs Requiem is now taking her dog for a walk in the softening light of dusk in a country Victorian evening. Doors and windows are open. Breeze and the subtle perfume of trees and dried grass emanates. With the children sweetly in slumber I no longer harbour the ambition to put them on ebay.
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Dicking around on the internet. I just got a Facebook message from one of the guys in Infernal War suggesting that my band's full-length deserves an LP treatment. That's kind of cool.
Not sleeping. Dreading last-minute xmas shopping in the morning.

Just got back together with the girl I was seeing over the summer, which I'm excited about. Once holidays are over, life will be good.
Merry shitmas shitbitches let's make amruca great again etc fucking mooslims thx obama.

Let's have a drink shitlords.