The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Happy holidays everyone. Don't bother taking your garbage out.

Just finished a morning shift. Next to no sleep, but gotta stay up to pick the girlfriend up cause she works a closing shift. Ugh.
Wrapped all my shit, drinking beers and blasting moTorhead havin near fixed eyes and postin pics dont you know the way is slow and you've run out of time

Today is the time to stop procrastinating. I made myself a shitty fucking calendar for january. Signed up for some exams and scheduled work shifts like a real member of society. Today me and my main girl are leaving for my cottage to chill and study. And spend some christmas time with my family. I have to do some schoolwork there so hopefully I will find more peace there than in Prague.
Thinking that my sleep medicine is causing some rather bizarre dissociation-esque stuff. Had a crown come off last week and got it recemented. Almost every night since then I've been having very realistic seeming dreams where the crown is wiggly and about to come off and this all lead up to yesterday.

Woke up after the familiar wiggly tooth dream but instead of it just being fine it actually popped off. I called dentists offices to see if there was some one in a million chance I could get it taken care of, but obviously none were open. I went to the bathroom and popped it in just to see if it still fit correctly and much to my surprise it just ... stayed firmly in place. If the cement failed no way that happens.

Was fine all day.

Doesn't wiggle, doesn't move, won't come off etc.

So now I'm questioning if any of that happened at all.

Only thing I know for sure is that I called the dentist offices since I have call logs.

Had the wiggly tooth dream again today, but the tooth is still perfectly fine.

Really bizarre and uncomfortable not knowing what is really happening.
christmas dinner with my dads side of the family. So much fucking food!
Home drinking Makers and fucking off.
One more christmas with her dad and sisters.
Kids uncles are picking them up for a few days. CANT! FUCKING! WAIT!!!!!!
Was just sitting here on the couch at my parents' house listening to da SeptFlesh and tapping out crap into these forums and my dad comes up and gives me a cool hardcover copy of Tokien's translation and commentary of 'Beowulf'. Nice.
Thinking that my sleep medicine is causing some rather bizarre dissociation-esque stuff. Had a crown come off last week and got it recemented. Almost every night since then I've been having very realistic seeming dreams where the crown is wiggly and about to come off and this all lead up to yesterday.

Woke up after the familiar wiggly tooth dream but instead of it just being fine it actually popped off. I called dentists offices to see if there was some one in a million chance I could get it taken care of, but obviously none were open. I went to the bathroom and popped it in just to see if it still fit correctly and much to my surprise it just ... stayed firmly in place. If the cement failed no way that happens.

Was fine all day.

Doesn't wiggle, doesn't move, won't come off etc.

So now I'm questioning if any of that happened at all.

Only thing I know for sure is that I called the dentist offices since I have call logs.

Had the wiggly tooth dream again today, but the tooth is still perfectly fine.

Really bizarre and uncomfortable not knowing what is really happening.
That's the anxiety about the anxiety dream about the anxiety about the anxiety dream about the anxiety kicking in.
*insert joke about Mort's longstanding tenuous grasp on reality*

Seriously though, that type of problem is a known side effect of sleep meds. Why are you on them?
*insert joke about Mort's longstanding tenuous grasp on reality*

Seriously though, that type of problem is a known side effect of sleep meds. Why are you on them?

My work every few weeks requires I do 3 or so overnight shifts and then afterwards get back to normal shifts. Doing this messes with my sleeping routine badly and often takes me a few weeks to correct without medication by which time I'm staring the overnights down again.
My work every few weeks requires I do 3 or so overnight shifts and then afterwards get back to normal shifts. Doing this messes with my sleeping routine badly and often takes me a few weeks to correct without medication by which time I'm staring the overnights down again.

Sounds shitty. Kind of surprised it takes a few weeks to correct though. I think it took me like 3 days to shift off 5 months of working 10pm-10am.

Are you limiting blue light exposure/blacking out the room/adding some white noise etc?
I hated working nightcrew. The work itself was cool...go in, put your head phones in, and just do your thing. But midnight to 8:30 sucked balls. I was a zombie
All I have to add is that I worked at a post sorting place doing shifts from 11pm till 5am for 6 months and it fucking sucked.

Really got me into Ashley Simpson though.

Currently drunk as pissnettles and strumming out some ideas. Who wants to try and sing like the dude from Killing Joke for me?