The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Not much. Trying to get back into playing guitar. I'll be getting my distortion pedals in a day or two and am going to use them both at the sametime so I get monster distortion!.

She's a cold hearted snake, look into her eyes oh oh
She's been telling lies.
She's a butt slut everyday, she dont play by rules.
Girl be my whore now
I'm resting at my father's place before having beers with this girl from my previous uni group.
Yay, netflix is finally here. Was thinking about proxying it, but now there's no reason to do that. Combine that with a new TV, and I might actually spend some time on a couch.
I just had a call to say that I start work at this place up the road on Monday, it's very weird because my old job finished on Xmas day and it was only Tuesday that I decided to take the dog for a walk up the road and talk to these people about work and explain my situation. I was gonna have a break for a month or two but I'm happy to be straight back into work, this year is looking better for me already.
Watching Legend(Tom Cruise) it's been years since I've seen this.
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Does any of you faggotbuttets want (/capable of) doing some black(ish) metals vocals

Had these ideas

First bits are more Grave Miasma cocksuckin and not even really a song anyway but anyone that can do some EUIUGGEJIEGHE would be good.
I would offer to provide some vocals if I had a decent microphone. As-is, I only have a dollar store headset mic. :lol: