The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Just booked my flight to Denver for the Ween show on Feb 12. I have 2 tickets, and I don't think my girlfriend wants to go, so if anyone else wants to and can get their ass out to Colorado let me know.
Just booked my flight to Denver for the Ween show on Feb 12. I have 2 tickets, and I don't think my girlfriend wants to go, so if anyone else wants to and can get their ass out to Colorado let me know.

Your girlfriend?
Overestimated how much gas I needed and dumped the remaining $8 of cash back into powerball. Will I win? Probably not. But I thought I'd have to spend that money anyways so fuck it.

I kinda don't know how the hell to play. I'm a scratch off girl.
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Coincidentally I just arrived at my night job and the morning lady has her times super fucked up, she's here so I probably get to go home.

Today I had me done a magnetic resonance of my ass. I had to go to a nearby city and shit and I also had to wait for it for two months because apparently it's fucking popular or something. So I went there signed a paper where I promised three times that I don't sport a fucking cardio stimulator and went in. The machine takes up a whole fucking room and they put me in and told me not to move so I'm like ok. After five minutes of laying there they rolled me out and bitch says "ok so it seems to be bugged or something, did it make any noises at all?", I was like wtf bitch I guess not. They had to fucking reset the tunnel it said hello welcome and shit. Went in again. Twenty minutes of weird noises, some were pretty rhythmic like guitarless Havohej but some where grindy and messy like Merzbow, I could almost see a japanese vegan turning knobs, but at first I wasn't very impressed. After that they rolled me out again and said they needed to inject me a contrast liquid but this guy and his two blonde girls with dumb faces were all equally unable to tap my vein. I have bruises and a bulge on my right hand like a heroin addict reusing a syringe from a homeless corpse. Then I went back again and the second session of noises felt better. It's like relistening to an album and finding something pretty in the Merzbow-Havohej mess. Basically I would say the machine has a musical talent, especially considering it only has strong electromagnetic pulses to play with. Well anyway, then I went home and listened to fucking Goatlord on my way home. CHI CHI CHI CHI CHIKAN DAHHNCE.

Whore cunt fuck shit.

Oh and then I went to the pub to have some food and listened to some old guys talking about new movies. They talked about Klint Estwood and Morgan Freemon [sic].
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Just bought $40 worth of girl scout cookies off my boss's daughter. I wasn't trying to impress anyone, and I'm not a huge supporter..... But fuck are they so fucking delicious.
Had some exam today but luckily passed I might even get a B on monday. Now it's time to have some beers. Tomorrow a nightshift awaits where I need to start working on my thesis properly. I think my supervisor hates me at this point I really need to send him something. But first I need to do something. It's stressful.

Ok anyway, beer time.
Yeah, I've got my fingers crossed. I got into studying German late, so it would give me the opportunity to improve my proficiency in the language by leaps and bounds. Plus, I would stand a much better chance at getting into a strong and funded PhD program if I can place "Fulbright Scholar" on my CV. Of course, spending 10-11 months in Germany wouldn't be half bad either :D
I am mainly just sitting here listening to my own ambient. Been listening to tunes all day. Really didn't get up to much today, but last night was fun.

Had a boy's night last night with the roommate and my girl's sister's boyfriend, slammed some beers and then went to the bar to dance. It was funny because the three of us jumped on stage and then this really big broad (like, probably three hundred pounds at least) came right up to the stage and started eyeing my roommate like a Christmas ham. Her eyes were locked on. Target acquired. A couple of times, me and the other lad encouraged him to go for it but he was like "fuck no" and he pretty much hated us the rest of the night. Was funny.