The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I need metal friends :(

I meet a friend through a friend that listens to metal music, but I don't chill out with the guy because he's a drunk. I feel kinda bad, he wanted me to go over to his place a few nights ago and I was txting a chick and passed on going over. I'm good.
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Meet people at the concerts? That's what I do. I don't think I can go to a show in Chicago/Burbs without running into at least one person I know and can chat with a bit. It's better with good friends and stuff but riding solo is the best way to meet people, even if you are ice-cold anti-social.
Meet people at the concerts? That's what I do. I don't think I can go to a show in Chicago/Burbs without running into at least one person I know and can chat with a bit. It's better with good friends and stuff but riding solo is the best way to meet people, even if you are ice-cold anti-social.

Yeah I usually go alone too. I have people I can say hi to and hang out with during the concerts, but I've never hung out with them outside of that. It's too bad the people in the SoCal area on here either 1) don't like the same genres as me or 2) don't go to shows anymore. I'll probably hang out with KafkaX at a stoner doom concert at some point.
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I need metal friends :(
As a general rule, I actually try to avoid befriending metal people in my area, as they usually only enjoy shitty metal (usually obnoxious folk metal, or cheesy "extreme power"/melodeath bullshit).

I'd definitely be game to meet most of y'all here, if I ever get the chance though.
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Fuck me, this was hardly worth the effort. Luckily it's Australia Day here and I'm not doing shit.

Right at the start of the video he talks about how people tell him F.O.A.D. is a total Punk record because of the album cover but he says they removed most of their Punk sound and replaced it with Heavy Metal on that very album.

Under the track "These Shores Are Damned" in the liner notes Fenriz writes,

Another example of our NWOBHM (New Wave Of Black Heavy Metal) with larger than life vocals that can remind of Amebix.

In regards to them being Black Metal.

Still fucking searching for the interview. If I can't find it I'll just give this one to you.
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How was that the info you were searching for? :lol:

Anyway, i'm not arguing against anything there. And anyone that said FOAD is a "total punk record" is a moron, almost as big of a moron as anyone that says there's no punk there. I mean, he's described their sound using the word punk numerous times. He probably smokes way too much weed.

2009 - Metal Sucks: Was the move towards more of a blackened crust punk sound on the last few Darkthrone albums intentional, a natural progression, better reflection of your and Nocturno Culto’s mindsets, or both?

Fenriz: All of the above.
I swear there's an interview where he takes exception to the interviewer calling his album/band Crust.


But in the end I personally don't hear any Crust myself. Darkthrone are too... Moderate.
well two of the least valid opinions here(buttface and yoderp) don't mean much, so yeah.

Anyway, do some of you guys really not know what crust is? The punk in their sound IS crusty. That's what will naturally happen when a former black metal band tries to go 80's punk/heavymetal. And i just posted a lquote of the guy saying it himself, what more do you twats want? The band themselves say there's a crustiness to their sound, the legions of fans hear it, but you three dont? :lol: bravo

Oh and i hate to break it to you guys (who clearly seem to know what you're talking about), but punk+extreme metal = crust. That is the most basic definition of that genre.

Their style of punk is a the dirty, rotten, filthy, crusty kind. And what do you mean examples? Most of their last few albums minus UR have the typical dirty, crusty punk riffage and there are d-beats scattered all throughout those records. I dont now how the fuck you guys dont hear it, but its okay. Not my problem.

But here maybe this will help some of you. Crust punk was originally punk that was influenced by metal bands like Celtic Frost, Hellhamer, Venom, Motorhead etc. And that same type of influence is clear in newer Darkthrone, as they themselves have stated numerous times. But yeah, whatever. Goodnight.
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