The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I may have to start selling things too. The PS3 and the games will be the first to go if I decide to part with it. Hoping not, but things are getting dire.

Ouch, it must be if a PS3 is involved. What one of those run for nowadays? I've got a PS4 that I bought solely for the purpose of playing Fallout 4 and I may sell that (I bought it with a 35% discount, so I could make a profit on it). They only reason that I hesitate is that $300 doesn't really have me too scared. But, fuck it, I may as well do it out of principle since I'm selling a fucking synth.
My laptop doesn't have the power to do it, otherwise I would have. I would love to build a gaming PC, but I couldn't have justified spending the money on that. I spent only $260 on the PS4.
Yeah laptops just aren't worth it for gaming. You can put ~700 into a desktop though and run nearly anything for several years, and then at some point you just upgrade the gfx card. Plus you get the benefit of doing all the stuff you would be stuck doing on a laptop on a more comfortable setup. I don't wanna be all "PCmasterrace", but I think the 360 is the last console I will have purchased - and I didn't buy it until it had been out for years.
Just sold out and got Spotify Premium. Got tired of having my ripped CDs on my phone making it slow as fuck because the harddrive is full. :p
Hmm, not a bad service actually, maybe I should combine Spotify with that to play all the obscure stuff you never find on spotify. :)

I splurged and got Amazon Prime which is 100 bucks yearly. I can stream certain stuff as much as I want. The bad part is they'll add and remove stuff without notifying me anything was removed or added.
Thinking about selling 99% of everything I own, moving out, using the money to buy survival/camping equipment and living rough on the streets/in the bush for a while. Maybe become a vigilante night owl, sleep during the day and bust up dirtbags at night that fuck with people and break into houses.