The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I'm pretty damn sure my cheap apt has mold although I haven't tested it. Can't really do anything about it even if I were to confirm. Only 4 more years of school and then we can move....

Too young.
Just got back from the interview. That was fun...not!

5 hours of the same questions over and over. Meh. And one person didn't show so I have to wait for her to call me when I get back. Dumb.

For such an innovative and forward thinking company their interview process sucks.

And now it's time for an In-N-Out burger.
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Makes me think of a story about a Walgreens I used to work across the street from. They hired a pharmacist, but the guy wasn't really a pharmacist. He just applied for the job, played Mr. Charismatic in the interview, and then got hired. The guy worked there for a few weeks and just pretended to know what he was doing. Then he disappeared. I guess he thought it best to run off after he got that first pay check.
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I'm pretty depressed today over financial problems. I think I'll have to sell my old synthesizer. Dinner is cooking on the stove. I just threw random things into the dutch oven. I hope it tastes like shit.
Maybe they want to cross reference your consistency in your answers?

You gotta remember I had five interview of the same thing before. So I'm at 13 interviews of the same nature, with one more to go.

I agree that interviews need to be thorough but come on.

Having said that the people themselves were cool as hell and I finally met who would be my boss. He seems like a genuinely good guy and he was loose and fun to talk to. He cussed a lot which I support. Lol
Not much. One of these days I'm going to take this laptop and throw it right into my fucking wall in my living room and buy a new one after. If it does not break after impact am going to smash the shit out of it.
Still sad. Posted the classified ad for my synthesizer. Unfortunately, my dinner did not taste like shit, though it did taste weird. It was like chili, but not chili because I didn't have chili powder. I used berbere and curry instead. Also I used potatoes, celery, and ginger in addition to the beans, onions, and tomatoes.
I'm pretty depressed today over financial problems. I think I'll have to sell my old synthesizer. Dinner is cooking on the stove. I just threw random things into the dutch oven. I hope it tastes like shit.
I may have to start selling things too. The PS3 and the games will be the first to go if I decide to part with it. Hoping not, but things are getting dire.
Just got back from the interview. That was fun...not!

5 hours of the same questions over and over. Meh. And one person didn't show so I have to wait for her to call me when I get back. Dumb.

For such an innovative and forward thinking company their interview process sucks.

And now it's time for an In-N-Out burger.

The interview process for most companies sucks in terms of questions asked. Anyone can fake their way through behavior based interviewing questions which is why they are complete shit.
Reminiscing the old days when me and my cousin used to hang out. We used to smoke a shit-ton of pot, drink nearly every day, even did some crime. Fun times.

I should make an effort to chill with the lad soon. Haven't seen him in over a year and a half.
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It was pretty greasy, yeah, but meh. I wouldn't do it again but it was fun as a one or two-off thing. And we got a good chunk of money from it to spend on debauchery. It was a time I will look back on fondly.

And I hear ya. I've pretty much become a night owl. I stay up until 5 am most nights and sleep until 2 in the afternoon (excepting days I work).
Another new D666 song. Liking this one even more than the last.

About to go to the gym but only got about 2 hours sleep and feel like shite. Woke up with really sharp stomach pain and a headache and when I was just starting to get back to sleep the army decided to start playing around with artillery or some bollocks.