The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I went out for my friends birthday to this silent clubbing thing. It was so dumb and there were three djs indicative by the color your headphones turned (green, red or blue) and you can switch through the three. First off the headphones really hurt my ears. It was uncomfortable and kept sliding down. You want the headphones in though because when you take them off, you hear people screaming to different songs. Anyways, I knew I'd have s problem because when I got there my friend was super sweaty and gave me like a huge messy sweaty hug. That's okay, I know her. But then I realized everyone was sweaty and smelly and it was a tight space. You'd walk through n random people would grab at you to dance with you and rub their sweat and shit all over you.

Could you tell I'm a bit of a germaphobe? I left within an hour, and pulled an Irish goodbye. She understands I'm sure. Usually when we'd hang out she'd come to my house n we'd watch movies n bullshit until like 2am. She'd always try and get me to go out with her and I'd always decline because we aren't into the same types of things at all but we get along really well. She's one of my normal friends who likes to do normal things with normal people.
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Made a soundcloud to store shit, but possibly just for a single project, although I already dislike the name, but whatever, Canadian buddy is gonna try some vocals on this style of stuff. I like Blut Aus Nord, Aosoth, Red Harvest and other shit. No idea if that comes through.

Also made another soundcloud just to reserve the name 'Old Thorns' because i) I hate naming shit and it seemed half decent/early 90s enough ii) coming up with a trvegrim name for trvegrim stuff that doesn't sound super lame is impossible iii) I saw it on a road sign, it looked like a metal band name and I enjoyed the irony of it being a health/golf spa in one of the wealthiest parts of England.

It was that or Kindergarten Metal.
Just got done reading an article on the cost of renting vs owning a home. I may never buy a house. As a matter of fact, I'm seriously considering just saving up and buying a ballin ass Class A diesel motorhome and head banging to Wherever I May Roam on repeat as I travel the country on my vacations/when I retire.
just ordered my ring
Black Zirconium ftw.
ordered the test rings also. So they create aluminum rings in different sizes so I can pick the best one.
Going 9mm wide.

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Not to be dumb, but couldn't you just go to any jewelry store or even Walmart to try a test ring? Man my ring drives me crazy, it's tungsten carbide. Heavy and bulky. I've never worn any jewelry before though so maybe that's why it's so hard for me to get used it but I feel like I smash it off everything.

he wasn't around for your nuts and poop pictures
