The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

fair enough. I live in the South, though

is he in Mexico? Otherwise Im most likely parallel
What the fuck is happening here.

EDIT: Ok I blocked the Peter Steele gif. Now what the fuck is this Trodden germ?
Congratulations. You're about as funny as "mom memes" on Facebook about drinking wine or other bullshit.

wasnt trying to be funny

I was being honest. when the fuck was it ever 'Metal' to change yourself to make others happy?

have I attacked anyone here?
You were obviously trying to be snarky, and failed.

Also first rule of GMD is get thicker skin tbh. Most of us are just fucking around.
You were obviously trying to be snarky, and failed.

Also first rule of GMD is get thicker skin tbh. Most of us are just fucking around.

snarky means 'critical, or cranky'. neither applied

I was showing that it wasnt getting under my skin. and thats it
It also means cutting or snide so it sorta did. A for effort though!

Ill give you snide, but it wasnt an attempt at being insulting

only saying, I like what I like, and if you want an apology, go fuck yourself
I had a deep moment of bloody-Mary induced clarity the other night wherein I realized... I never wanna move out of state. Metro Detroit is where I belong. Fucking hot rod shows everywhere, heavy metal music is plentiful and good, a good mix of city and wilderness. People tend to be tough but polite as most Midwestern areas are. Gun owners and republican leanings all around. It's fucking wonderful here. Our end game will be a place near the water, but still close enough to the city for easy access to events.