The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Man fuck being sick I've been sick all goddamn winter and again this weekend. Partly I blame my job, getting stuck around sick people who refuse to take a day off and they cross contaminate everything.

I'm considering actually going to the doctor tomorrow, something I hate. I can't be going out to oil wells and working all day like this. Fuck being sick, I can't even drink.
Man fuck being sick I've been sick all goddamn winter and again this weekend. Partly I blame my job, getting stuck around sick people who refuse to take a day off and they cross contaminate everything.

I'm considering actually going to the doctor tomorrow, something I hate. I can't be going out to oil wells and working all day like this. Fuck being sick, I can't even drink.

Fuckin pisses me off how people who are sick will still be all over everything. Then at a minimum I have to up my C, not drink, and get extra sleep to shake off the weighty feeling of fighting some bullshit that some sick piece of shit who lives on whiskey, hotpockets, and netflix is incubating.

Edit: I think I dealt with an doubly stupid dose of humanity all weekend compared to your average week in retail. Any utopist that isn't a eugenics proponent is too dumb to survive both the policies they back as well as the ones they are too dumb to back.
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Going outside is overrated when you live in a humid, swampy environment where it rains all the time.
Studying with flash cards for the first time in... forever for this British history course with a professor that's all about names, dates, and places (he's a medievalist and military historian). Also just got home from work.

It's dawning on me more and more clearly that in just a few months I will no longer be working 30-40 hours a week in a pharmacy while going to school full-time. Granted, I'll be a TA, but that's totally different. It's strange because I'm not sure how I feel about it--a little intimidated, perhaps. I've done this retail/school routine for five years now (pharmacy for four) and it's the thing I know. I've got a friend who got his MA at Maryland while working in the pharmacy full-time.

I scoffed at the thought of it initially, but as the grad school application loomed, it seemed more and more that I would just be continuing what I had always done and doing fine anyhow. I'm not allowed to have another job, as stipulated by my TAship. I'll have to take out a small loan to cover the extra money I make at pharmacy that I won't with the TA.--or I couldn't and work during the semester breaks, which I will anyways, but I need a rainy day fund anyhow thanks to my firing a few months back.

I've heard back from UMD and UMass--I'm accepted, but no funding. So that leaves UMBC, Miami, and Brandeis. Given what I've received from Syracuse and the German historian at UMBC, I'm half-expecting to receive a similar offer. If that's the case, I'll go for the name recognition and go with Syracuse. Miami would be good and I'd live in close enough proximity to @The Ozzman to bump into him at a bar, but I really want to avoid the midwest if possible. I would love it if Brandeis matches Syracuse's offer, but that seems like a stretch. Maybe, who knows.

I twisted my ankle walking across campus today before going to work. My ankle swelled up and I had the joy of limping around the pharmacy, while the lines lined up and the prescription due times loomed. I stomached 600mg of Ibuprofen to stifle it, but it took an hour to kick an and the pain continued anyhow. Yet, I appreciated the fact that we were behind and I helped to get the pharmacy back in order. I'm like a beaten wife.

Back to flash cards.
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Stayed at school until 8:00 fixing up my room for Quality Review. Because I have co-teachers, it's quite annoying because even though I'm stationed in a room with another teacher, I teach like all over the fucking place, so I help my two other co-teachers. & I teach a self-contained class too, so I gotta get those kids portfolios ready.

Also, I called a shit ton of parents about missing work. Shit needs to go in their portfolios. Now, I'm drinking, lesson planning, and listening to music. I wont sleep this week at all.
jesus christ dude, fuck getting older and going into college. Might as well kill myself right here and now


I wouldn't (also, couldn't) have had it any other way. College is good. You learn stuff. Also, you have the prospect of not having a shitty life by doing so--after you graduate, that is.

Perhaps this is an American illusion, perhaps not, but there's no easy way out. You've gotta work regardless. If you work harder earlier on, then you may be able to work more enjoyably later.