The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

College year 3 was where it started to get really good. The classes got better, and you really got to know people. Plus we were able to buy that helps

Absolutely man. When you hit 21 college gets more fun, not that age is that much of a barrier. And upper division classes are far more interesting than lower.
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College year 7 was when it got bad. Fucking hate my professors, most of my colleagues are autistic fucks, and all I want to do is get drunk and listen to Thin Lizzy not read the fucking Koran goddamnit.

But yeah, college was fucking fun as hell. Just have to graduate...
Because unlike you non-Americans, we actually have fun in college.


But you guys seem to start 'fun' really late. When you're 18 or something. All the sex, drugs, drinking and parties started when I was about 14 (year 10). The sorta stuff you see in American films about university (i.e. 'college'?) lines up better with how I remember college (i.e. 'sixth form', or years 12/13 of 'high school', when you're 16-18). It was like a 2 year warm up for university where the workload was fairly light and everyone had fuck all in the way of responsibilities.
I was going through some old metal reviews that I had done. They need a lot of work, but they are serviceable. I was considering starting up doing reviews on music again, and maybe some longer-form beer reviews than what I post here.

We'll see.
I didn't have fun in high school at all, being a 2 sport athlete at a really intense school makes it much more like work than anything else. I was at school for workouts at 5 AM and didn't get home till 8 most days. College was filled with sports and work almost full time.
I was an inbetweener in high school. I played football but wasn't a starter. I did Track and Field one year (just throwing shotput and discus) but gave that up senior year when I realized that high school sucked hard. I had plenty of friends, but I thought the idea of doing drugs and alcohol made you a loser. My days back then were spent blasting death and black metal while raiding in World of Warcraft and hanging out with friends on certain weekends. Oh, and working part-time. I didn't start drinking until I was 20 and just look at me now...
High school was alright. I did track and cross country for a couple of years and then jazz band for a couple of years. Had a few really good teachers. Made out with some girls. Got cheated on. Learned how to drive and got a car. Got my first job at 16. Free time was spent jamming in my garage with my buddy, butchering Metallica and Opeth songs and then listening to heavy metal in my room at night with a black light on because I was so deep and moody (cringe)
I missed out big time on the American youth experience due to 5 different elementary schools, 4 different high schools. The only people I had to hang with were my siblings and cousins who had already graduated. Some folks here and there, some dudes who wanted to bang me.

Enjoy it. My oldest friendship outside of family is only a decade long, and we're not even that close. Appreciate the folks you've known forever. Some people never get such memories.
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Because unlike you non-Americans, we actually have fun in college.

What the Hell. I too don't understand the American education system fully, but college was the best time of my life. You go from 16-18 here and study things you actually want to study, so maths, biology, chemistry and history for me and it was a great 2 years. I then went on to University where I studied maths and chemistry which was ok but not as fun as college.

I now teach maths at a college, but it turns out college isn't anything like it was when I went anymore. Since it's now compulsory to be in education until you're 18 in the UK, I've found the arrogant, obnoxious and academically limited students go on to college and the rest stay on at school and attend what we call 6th form. So basically I have to teach students who go to college and study things like hair and beauty, art & design, performing arts etc. It is compulsory that they attend maths and English at college because the vast majority failed everything that they should have passed at school. Basically, I'm teaching them maths that they have already done for 5 years at school against their will and it's just such a challenge. I would like to teach a wide range of ability but these are all very low ability, ranging from struggling with multiplying by 10 up to ones that can manage basic algebra.

Like Funerary_Doom, my life at the moment is lesson planning and the Themed Mixtape Game.
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Because teaching is just so metal. Apparently Wagner Antichrist from Sarcofago lectures maths and economics at a University in Brazil.

Who else is a teacher here other than Funerary_Doom?
I teach 4 classes at community colleges in the Inland Empire. Math. Idk to give daily presentations you have to be somewhat aggressive/assertive tbh which leads to liking metal. Or is it the other way around? We listen to metal to keep us pumped to be aggressive/assertive? It takes a certain level of balls to get up there and talk to different groups of 30+ people for 4 hours a day.