The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Today I'm going to see lucky Phil from this courier business about a job because there is no future here in shipping due to the fact that the nice phillipino people have kindly decided to do the job for 50 cents a day.
Anyway if Phil tells me that the courier business is a long term proposition which I think it's going to be I'll have to trade my ranger xlt in for a transit van or something similar which I won't mind as long as it's going to keep me in work. Besides I really enjoy driving around Tassie and if it means that I never have to go back to Western Australia to work for 5 or 6 weeks at a time then I will be happy.
I need to do so much shit that the size of my to-do list in my notebook starts to bother me. Luckily I'm at work tomorrow and on Sunday and my boss is on a vacation so I will just try to do everything there and fuck doing anything else in there. My work is more important.
Fucking laying in bed absolutely livid and shaking. My heart rate is through the roof.

My roommate (the one who is bailing on us and forced us all to put notice in at our apartment at the beginning of February) said we could stay for last month, even though he paid last himself, to help us out since he is the one that put us into this situation of having to find a place.

Now apparently we "owe him money" for last month. We are having trouble scraping by, much less being able to save for a new place. But now apparently we owe him money?

Fuck him. He ain't getting shit.
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Fucking laying in bed absolutely livid and shaking. My heart rate is through the roof.

My roommate (the one who is bailing on us and forced us all to put notice in at our apartment at the beginning of February) said we could stay for last month, even though he paid last himself, to help us out since he is the one that put us into this situation of having to find a place.

Now apparently we "owe him money" for last month. We are having trouble scraping by, much less being able to save for a new place. But now apparently we owe him money?

Fuck him. He ain't getting shit.

So basically you want to get away from paying a month of rent?
Dude, why'd you get a place with that douche? Has he always been a douche or was he cool once upon a time?

Sorry to hear it. Onder does make a good point though, you shouldn't assume people are actually gonna follow through with something like that. You goddamn trusting Canadians.
@The Butt jeez that's really stressful. I just want to make sure I'm understanding the story right. He told you guys he's moving out and that you need to put on notice for February so he paid the rent for last month? Now he wants the money back?

If that's the case and he said that he'd pay that's kinda messed up. Sure, when it comes to money be less trusting but it's also fucked up when you're in a shitty situation and someone promises to help and then backs out on that. I'd say get your apartment situation straightened out first. There's no way you can worry about paying him back at this point in time if you have to find another apartment and be out of that one really soon.
woman and kids are out of town all weekend.
So im forced to play guitar, mess with my bike, maybe go riding, read comics, watch LOTR, and listen to metal. Damn that sucks!

My fiancee has to travel for one weekend every month, though sometimes it's for longer than a weekend. Each time she's gone it's a weekend full of beer, heavy metal, meat, and Schwarzenegger movies
So basically you want to get away from paying a month of rent?
He offered to let us stay free to help us out in moving, since he is the one that put us in the position where we have to move (and possibly be homeless) in the first place.

Dude, why'd you get a place with that douche? Has he always been a douche or was he cool once upon a time?

Sorry to hear it. Onder does make a good point though, you shouldn't assume people are actually gonna follow through with something like that. You goddamn trusting Canadians.
He actually was cool at one point. But his ex-gf has her wretched grasp on him, he still loves the manipulative, two-faced cunt; and she doesn't like me or my gf one bit, so there's not much that can be done.

@The Butt jeez that's really stressful. I just want to make sure I'm understanding the story right. He told you guys he's moving out and that you need to put on notice for February so he paid the rent for last month? Now he wants the money back?

If that's the case and he said that he'd pay that's kinda messed up. Sure, when it comes to money be less trusting but it's also fucked up when you're in a shitty situation and someone promises to help and then backs out on that. I'd say get your apartment situation straightened out first. There's no way you can worry about paying him back at this point in time if you have to find another apartment and be out of that one really soon.
He has been living at this unit for about five years, so first and last were paid right off the bat. We only moved in October of 2014, because he was starting to get sick of spending all his monthly income on rent so we offered to move in and split (we needed a place too so it was beneficial to both parties).

Last month's rent was never discussed until he put his notice in and told us it was already paid and that he was explicitly going to let us stay to help us out.

Now all of a sudden he comes home drunk and we "owe him money for last". I was gonna talk to him this morning when he was sober but he took off, possibly to drink again, so whatever.

He really isn't getting last. Not one cent. I'm the kind of guy where I will help wherever I can... but if you knowingly and deliberately put me into a position where I am fucked over, from that point on you won't get one fucking thing from me.
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@The Butt Oh okay, I see. Yeah, honestly just focus on you and finding somewhere else to live that you guys can afford. He knows your situation; it sucks he says one thing and does the next, but whatever. Obviously when it comes to money there's really no one you can trust, but just take care of yourself at this point. There's nothing you can do about that month and just tell him exactly what he said (about him saying you dont owe him for the last month, and how you guys had to put out notice and all of that because of him). If he says anything just let him know that you guys already have a lot on your table, and your main priority is to not be homeless right now.

Honestly, if I were you I'd just give him the money (when I had it of course). But obviously, that is your decision and you have a pretty good reason to not.
He knows now that he isn't getting anything from me. I told him he was only trying to profit off of me, the exact same way his mother would try to profit off of people, and that he was acting real fucking greasy... shut him up right away. I may hear it again later but I'll just keep this up and he should stop.
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He knows now that he isn't getting anything from me. I told him he was only trying to profit off of me, the exact same way his mother would try to profit off of people, and that he was acting real fucking greasy... shut him up right away. I may hear it again later but I'll just keep this up and he should stop.

Shame on a nigga who try to run game on a nigga.