The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Spending my first day off after a 70 hour work week lying in bed, unshowered, listening to whole albums and playing Destiny. Yeah. Not sure when I'm gonna move.

And suddenly Astrum returns out of nowhere

Yeah because getting fucked in the ass by dudes is so much better.

Lol ouch.

Moderation is fine, yes, but it seems like a lot of people do not have the ability to moderate themselves.
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Trying to find a leak of the new Star Trek Continues episode "Come Not Between the Dragons"... but alas, no luck. There was a screening on March 5th and I was thinking someone was going to record and upload it but seems I was wrong.

Guess I'm waiting till the end of May, when it's actually released. Lol.
So this band in town is in need of a bass player. I went and jammed with them tonight and they want me to continue coming to practice and hope I'm ready to play by May for their show in town. I need to think of a costume and back story for my 'character/band persona'
So this band in town is in need of a bass player. I went and jammed with them tonight and they want me to continue coming to practice and hope I'm ready to play by May for their show in town. I need to think of a costume and back story for my 'character/band persona'

What are the other people supposed to be?
At some point I'm going to start a symphonic black/death metal band with progressive elements. Similar to Dimmu Borgir, mixed with Opeth and Symphony X.

I have the ability to compose and play at a very high level but can't find anyone else who is both at the same level of skill and interested in the same type of music locally. Would be interested in doing a long distance type of thing but haven't really explored that option.
listening to an absolutely fucking incredible Nina Kraviz live set and being mildly frustrated at my body for not acknowledging that I still need sleep even though I didn't work a 12 hour day. This happens a lot
Woke up with a shitty hangover, pegged myself with my new lubricant, and changed my shitstained bedsheets. Girlfriend came over for lunch and I fucked her afterwards in my nicely clean bed. She refused to listen to baroque music while having sex. now I need to get some beer before I fucking kill myself. Only have money for one or two though. Better think it through.
Woke up with a shitty hangover, pegged myself with my new lubricant, and changed my shitstained bedsheets. Girlfriend came over for lunch and I fucked her afterwards in my nicely clean bed. She refused to listen to baroque music while having sex. now I need to get some beer before I fucking kill myself. Only have money for one or two though. Better think it through.

Onder: Making the Czech Republic great again since 2006
Just finished putting together a presentation I will be giving tomorrow on Schoenberg and his place in the German music tradition. This, however, is just a front. I look forward to disturbing a large group of people with Schoenberg's music. I imagine my countenance will remain mostly serious while the music is playing, with the occasional moment of a shit-eating grin crossing my face as a moment of forte fortissimo of brilliant dissonance rapes the ears of my poor, poor unsuspecting audience.
Skipped class today to get some sleep. I had people over last night for after hours and drunkenly tried to make out with a girl. She didn't go for it but she was pretty wasted so hopefully she'll forget. She ended up passing out on my couch.
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