The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Drinking a shitty cup of coffee and watching pundits lie about people they don't like. Today is my Monday, preparing myself to go back to work in an hour. Oh yeah.
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Drinking black coffee, blasting the latest PL album over my new studio monitors, and thinking about what to add to the song I'm working on. hmmm
Nice one! What sort of dog is he/she?

She's a dachshund and chihuahua mix. Her description seems perfect house trained, got her shots, and loving. I'm not typically into small dogs as I use to have a Rottweiler but we can't handle a breed like that right now. Had nothing but good experiences with dachshunds. I know they do get anxiety when left alone, but my house there's always someone there so I think she'll be alright.
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She's a dachshund and chihuahua mix. Her description seems perfect house trained, got her shots, and loving. I'm not typically into small dogs as I use to have a Rottweiler but we can't handle a breed like that right now. Had nothing but good experiences with dachshunds. I know they do get anxiety when left alone, but my house there's always someone there so I think she'll be alright.
Haha, that's an odd mix, she's cute though. I like an odd mix. Both my dogs are Staffy x Jack Russell, people freak out when I tell them.
Suffering through an awful comedown. I huffed Scotchguard four times today, between noon and 5. It is now 1:30 A.M. It's getting better finally. While I huffed it, I barely felt anything. I got slightly dazed, and a little goofy and dizzy, but that's it. I had the worst headache I ever had. It wasn't constant, but every few minutes, I was getting these horrible, splitting pains. My chest hurts and my airways have gone to Hell. Everything still looks kind of strange, too. That's probably from being tired as fuck, though. I need some caffeine. Also, my huffing of scotch guard was pretty ignorant. I wanted to kill myself just a few minutes ago as a punishment for extreme stupidity. Also, I am listening to Melancholie² by ColdWorld right now. It is actually a great album.
That is an odd mix. My dad had one of each and now I'm trying to imagine what that looks like


Suffering through an awful comedown. I huffed Scotchguard four times today, between noon and 5. It is now 1:30 A.M. It's getting better finally. While I huffed it, I barely felt anything. I got slightly dazed, and a little goofy and dizzy, but that's it. I had the worst headache I ever had. It wasn't constant, but every few minutes, I was getting these horrible, splitting pains. My chest hurts and my airways have gone to Hell. Everything still looks kind of strange, too. That's probably from being tired as fuck, though. I need some caffeine. Also, my huffing of scotch guard was pretty ignorant. I wanted to kill myself just a few minutes ago as a punishment for extreme stupidity. Also, I am listening to Melancholie² by ColdWorld right now. It is actually a great album.
You are doing all sorts of terrible things to your developing brain. Do you want to be brain damaged as an adult? Because that's what you're doing to yourself.
Suffering through an awful comedown. I huffed Scotchguard four times today, between noon and 5. It is now 1:30 A.M. It's getting better finally. While I huffed it, I barely felt anything. I got slightly dazed, and a little goofy and dizzy, but that's it. I had the worst headache I ever had. It wasn't constant, but every few minutes, I was getting these horrible, splitting pains. My chest hurts and my airways have gone to Hell. Everything still looks kind of strange, too. That's probably from being tired as fuck, though. I need some caffeine. Also, my huffing of scotch guard was pretty ignorant. I wanted to kill myself just a few minutes ago as a punishment for extreme stupidity. Also, I am listening to Melancholie² by ColdWorld right now. It is actually a great album.

Wait, did you just sniff the smell of Scotchguard carpet cleaner or did you actually inhale the CO2 inside the can? Just smelling the shit isn't going to fuck with you but actually inhaling that shit for a long period of time is super dangerous.

I grow to like you more and more.
Wait, did you just sniff the smell of Scotchguard carpet cleaner or did you actually inhale the CO2 inside the can? Just smelling the shit isn't going to fuck with you but actually inhaling that shit for a long period of time is super dangerous.

I grow to like you more and more.

CO² will not get you high. The brain detects it and it induces a panic reaction. It said it had "hydrocarbon propellant". Hydrocarbons are basically inert. It was probably butane. What I did was spray it onto a rag and buy my face in it, and huff it. It contains solvents and fluorocarbons, those get you high. Pretty much any fumes do it. Also, some propellant gets concentrated. I have tried to huff butane propellant before, but it did very little other than cause blood to rush to my head. The only inhalant that ever did much for me was heptane from rubber cement. I basically felt like I was fading in and out of existence. Pretty cool, and music would turn into this weird, somehow pleasant buzzing.

After some research, I learned that newer scotch guard is less psychoactive. The old stuff was apparently like crazy psychedelic, like toulene and gasoline. The new stuff is slightly mind altering from my experience. Then it makes you feel like shit for hours. My vision is still weird.