The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

nodding your head kills brain cells

brain cells dying doesnt necessarily mean decrease in brain function

but if its going to happen, do it with drugs. you could be in a car accident tomorrow and wind up a vegetable

have fun while throwing your brain away

Is this post satirical?
For your information, drugs and alcohol dont necessarily kill brain cells.

I never said all drugs and alcohol kill brain cells every time

sneezing kills brain cells, basically any impact or ischemic event can kill brain cells
Case in point on the "acting tough" thing. :lol:

if saying 'you seem to hate me, so I dont give a fuck what you say or think' makes me out to be a "tough guy", oh well

from day 1 I said Im not here to kiss anyone's ass
That's one of the most annoying written sentences that I've ever read. I changed my mind. You're actually just trying to seem cool on the internet by being edgy.

everything you write is annoying

and I would try and act 'edgy' if I gave a fuck what you thought, but I dont
Posting encouragement for a teenager to commit suicide with substance abuse and making a point to bring up how you don't feel bad about people killing themselves when nobody asked you if you did is the epitome of being edgy.

We get it. You want to be a cool tough guy on the internet. Cool. Have fun with it, but don't expect people to think you're authentic.
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if saying 'you seem to hate me, so I dont give a fuck what you say or think' makes me out to be a "tough guy", oh well

from day 1 I said Im not here to kiss anyone's ass

Also you have no right to call anyone annoying, when you pretty much as Omni said, advocated for a kid to kill himself with drugs. That's a pretty loser thing to do.
Posting encouragement for a teenager to commit suicide with substance abuse

show anywhere where Ive done that and Ill never post here again

youre a fucking idiot

saying I dont care isnt encouragement
You have no right to call anyone here annoying.

You've been here less than a month and already a few people (me included) think you're a fucking idiot.

Also no I didn't search very hard for the meme at all. :) Thanks for the concern!
Actual photo of trodden


Also stop being a tool and people will stop giving you a hard time. It's not rocket science, really. You're the equivalent of someone going into a Burger King and saying "I'm vegan and I don't care" and getting butthurt when people call you an idiot.