The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Actually, rotten dairy is not that bad. It is a sweet smell, but it is kind of sickly sweet. It's not like sewerage or mold anything. It just smells off. Either way, the thought of that is pretty bad.
@EternalMetal reading back through the last "page or so", i came across a post where you said drugs dont kill brain cells. I've grown up around way too much drugs and addicts to know that's just not true.I will introduce you to some people in my old neighborhood that will clearly change your mind on that. Complete different people form who they were before. Also there are a shit load of different drugs out there, to say "drugs dont kill brains cells" is kind of ridiculous if you ask me. Have you ever talked to someone who has smoked sherm on a regular basis? Or heck, just even a few times? Yea, i think not.

Yes, I did say this:
For your information, drugs and alcohol dont necessarily kill brain cells.

What I meant by this was that not all drugs or alcohol kill brain cells like most people are led to believe. The word 'necessarily' was definitely the keyword. If used in excess, most drugs and alcohol can lead to the destruction of brain cells, and I will absolutely not deny this. Drugs like ecstasy, meth, and yes PCP are indeed harmful and have a pretty damn negative effect on the brain.

I guess you really dont know me, but yes I have been around people who have ruined themselves with drugs. My best friend from high school revealed to me years later that he barely remembered anything from when we were tight because he just took way too many drugs, and he definitely isnt the same person as he was. I think anyone would be beyond ignorant to say that drugs cant change people and ruin their lives. However, you need to realize I was responding to a guy who started off the conversation with the idea that nodding your head kills brain cells. Go look at the context if you dont believe me. I must come across as some rich white suburban kid from a gated community to you apparently. Luckily for me I was mostly just a pothead who would do amphetamines and pharmaceuticals occasionally, so I didnt fuck myself up. I always avoided the heavier stuff because I saw what happened to my friend, but ive definitely experienced quite a bit of the drug scene. My point was that some drugs and alcohol can be used in a responsible manner that wont destroy your brain. I still stand by that, even if I do know what can become of addicts and chronic drug abusers. Hope that clears things up a bit.
... very well said. I must have missed that "necessarily" part heh, my bad. I pretty much agree with everything you said there.

I also was(still am) a pothead who fucked around with other shit growing up, but that's about it(*for the youngsters out there* ... not that being a pothead is good or anything, weed is definitely a drug). I've seen way too may people lives get ruined from drugs around me. Everything came and went, including the huge meth wave we had in SoCal when it first blew up, but nothing hit my neighborhood, family and friends harder than heroin.
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... very well said. I must have missed that "necessarily" part heh, my bad. I pretty much agree with everything you said there.

I also was(still am) a pothead who fucked around with other shit growing up, but that's about it(*for the youngsters out there* ... not that being a pothead is good or anything, weed is definitely a drug). I've seen way too may people lives get ruined from drugs around me. Everything came and went, including the huge meth wave we had in SoCal when it first blew up, but nothing hit my neighborhood, family and friends harder than heroin.

I havent smoked weed in a couple months, so I guess im now a 'used to be' pothead, lol.

And yea, we have a big heroin problem around here too. We now carry Narcan on our rigs at the rescue squad for all the people around here who OD. The wrestling team from my high school graduating class had a heroin problem, and the death count among them is now 6. Terrible stuff, id never touch it.
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I'm in Canada right now and am pretty surprised that they have a weird patriotic thing going for them, maybe even more than America. Fucking maple leaves everywhere, even the Denny's apostrophe is a maple leaf.

Also, I thought Canadian cable was supposed to have porn (or at least breasts) blaring all the time, but the selection here seems exactly the same as any hotel at home. Disappointing since there's a kind of voyeuristic thrill that comes from uncontrolled and brief nudity on the television versus just loading up the ol' .flv cache, but it still gets the job done.

Also, Hi, The Butt. Despite the above your country is really quite nice so far. Everyone I've met has filled the stereotype of being very kind and polite. Also, I'm noticing that balding seems more accepted here compared to where I'm from, so I don't feel as ashamed as usual walking around outside.
I hate that to make new Soundcloud pages, which I use to back up all the shit I record, I have to make new email addresses, and Gmail want me to give them my number so they can text me confirmation codes. Not worried about mah privacy or whatever but it's a load of unnecessary ballache. And I hate naming shit. I used the old/middle English origin of my surname for this newest Soundcloud. Stroda sounds fairly black metal. And it means 'marsh people' or something. Marshes are metal.

If one of you wants to scream like a dying cat to some stuff like Aosoth/Enslaved/I dunno what else then you should do that for me.

<iframe width="100%" height="450" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src=""></iframe>

Also had to have my cat put down, which sorta sucks.


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It must suck to have a hairy asshole and to be unable to clean yourself properly after taking a shit.
It must suck to have a hairy asshole and to be unable to clean yourself properly after taking a shit.

Implying I can't clean myself properly after I take a shit. I'm just saying that when you're in the shower you have the opportunity to really clean those areas thoroughly and then having to take a shit afterwards is like 'Fuck, I need to shower again'

I have bowel issues anyway, so it makes it harder for me regardless.